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How Genes Can Cause Disease – Understanding Transcription and Translation

Transcription with RNA nucleotides

In the first section of this analysis and discussion activity, students learn that different versions of a gene give the instructions for making different versions of a clotting protein, which result in normal blood clotting or hemophilia.

Next, students learn how genes provide the instructions for making a protein via the processes of transcription and translation. They develop an understanding of the roles of RNA polymerase, the base-pairing rules, mRNA, tRNA and ribosomes.

Finally, students use their learning about transcription and translation to understand how a change in a single nucleotide in the hemoglobin gene can result in sickle cell anemia.

Throughout this activity, students use the information in brief explanations, figures and videos to answer analysis and discussion questions.

This activity can be used to introduce students to transcription and translation or to reinforce and enhance student understanding. 

If you prefer a hands-on activity that uses simple paper models to simulate the molecular processes of transcription and translation, see “How Genes Can Cause Disease – Introduction to Transcription and Translation” (

The Student Handout is available in the first two attached files and as a Google doc designed for use in online instruction and distance learning. (For additional instructions, see, especially item 7.) The Teacher Notes, available in the last two attached files, provide instructional suggestions and background information and explain how this activity is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

TranscriptionTranslationSHO.docx4.4 MB
TranscriptionTranslationSHO.pdf955.88 KB
TranscriptionTranslationTN.docx3.1 MB
TranscriptionTranslationTN.pdf840.75 KB


iwaldron's picture

2023 revision

In the Student Handout, we have clarified some of the questions, explanations and figures. We have also added an analysis of sickle cell trait to introduce students to the molecular biology of a heterozygous individual.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Answer Key Request

Can you send me a copy of the answer key please? Thank you!

iwaldron's picture

Answer key

Please see the Teacher Notes for directions about how to request the key and other helpful information.


Serendip ola's picture

answer key request

Can you sent me this answers key?

iwaldron's picture

Answer Key

Please see the Teacher Notes for information about how to obtain the key, as well as background biology and instructional suggestions.


Diann's picture

Answer Key

Hi I've helping some of my classmates about this topic can I have the the answer keys send to my email for reference. Thank you

iwaldron's picture

Answer key

Please see my response to the comment immediately below.
Thank you,

rohit vummadi's picture

Answer Key

Hi, I am using this for my students. Could you send me an answer key?

iwaldron's picture


Thank you for your message. Please see the Teacher Notes for information about how to obtain the key, as well as background biology and instructional suggestions.


iwaldron's picture

July 2020 revision

The Student Handout has been streamlined and reorganized to facilitate student learning. The Student Handout now includes a final section with questions about how the coronavirus uses the cell’s ribosomes and molecules to make new viral proteins. The Teacher Notes include a brief introduction to replication of the coronavirus.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Answer Key

I want to have my Honors Biology class go this worksheet. Could you please send me an answer key?

iwaldron's picture

Answer key

Thank you for your message. Please see the Teacher Preparation Notes for information about how to get the key, as well as instructional suggestions and background biology.

iwaldron's picture

2020 revision

The revised activity starts with much more well-developed anchor phenomena (hemophilia and sickle cell anemia). Subsequent sections are oriented to answer the guiding question “How can genes cause health problems?” In addition, this revision has clarified multiple explanations and questions and reorganized some of the material to facilitate student learning and understanding.

Lori Hatajik's picture

Answer Key - Gene to Protein via transcription and translation

Hi -

Looking for the answer key for : From Gene to Protein via transcription and translation.

Thanks so much
Griswold High School

iwaldron's picture

Answer key

Thank you for your message. Please see the Teacher Preparation Notes for information about how to get the key, as well as instructional suggestions and background biology.

Serendip Visitor's picture

answer key

I am looking to receive the answer key to this document. I have emailed twice to the email it provided but have received no answer. I really need this answer ASAP. Please help! Thank you so much!

iwaldron's picture

Answer Key Requests

I am sorry for your frustration. I usually respond to all key requests that I receive from school email addresses within a day or two, and I am currently up to date. I often ignore email requests from non-school email addresses, particularly if they are excessively brief, in the style of younger generations. Please send your request again from your school email address.


iwaldron's picture

2019 revision

To improve student understanding of basic concepts, we have revised some of the explanations and questions in the Student Handout, added several figures, and improved other figures.


Serendip Visitor's picture

answer key

can you please send me the answer key for my students

iwaldron's picture

Answer key

Please see reply to message immediately below.

Ingrid Waldron

Anita Dearing's picture


I am teacher at Oak Ridge High School, in Oak Ridge, Tn. I teach Biology to Special Education students that require the course to be divided into two years. I came across this site and liked the presentation of the material. I would appreciate a copy of the answer key.

iwaldron's picture


Thank you for your appreciation.  With regard to the key, please see the response below. 


Terri Satterfield's picture

Answer Key "From Genes to Proteins"

I intend to use the student doc. as an opener and a review activity. Is it possible to receive the answer document?
Thank you for creating the "From Genes to Proteins" hands on,mind on activity.

Ann Dixon's picture

Please consult the Teacher Preparation Notes

Thank you for your message. Please see the Teacher Preparation Notes for information about how to get the key, as well as instructional suggestions and background biology.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Answer Key

I am a sub Bio teacher and I could really use some help grading this so I would love the answer key

Gill Tangye's picture

Request for key

Hi Ingrid, I would love to try out some of your genetics learning sequences with my senior biology classes - May I have access to the KEY?
Kind regards, Gill

iwaldron's picture

Key Is Available

Thank you for your message. Please see the Teacher Preparation Notes for information about how to get the key, as well as instructional suggestions and background biology.


iwaldron's picture

July 2017 revision

This revision includes improved explanations, questions and figures. These changes are designed to improve student understanding and retention of important concepts. I'm grateful for helpful comments and suggestions from Dusty Carroll, Carrie Chait and other teachers.

Ingrid Waldron

iwaldron's picture

2017 revision

The Student Handout includes more emphasis on having students actively construct their understanding of key points, with less explicit explanation. The Teacher Preparation Notes have improved the instructional suggestions and include a one-page quiz that can be used for summative assessment and/or to reinforce student learning.

Serendip Visitor's picture


Can i please have the asnwer key i have a test and i need to study and i need it as fast as possible !!

Serendip Visitor's picture

is there an answer key?

is there an answer key?

iwaldron's picture

Answer key and new version

Yes, information about how to obtain the answer key is available in the Teacher Preparation Notes. Also, I am nearly finished preparing a new and improved version of this activity, which I hope to finalize and post within the next week or two. Meanwhile, if you would like to have this revised version, please email me at


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