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story telling

Feminist Sting
What felt wrong last night, was the need to explain my fear,
to justify my fear,
to force my fear onto you?
Into you,
I want to pour,
to open, to offer only good things.
But sometimes the asymmetry hurts.

Found Introduction
The great St Mark’s Cathedral in Venice,
the dome radially symmetrical,
each quadrant meets
one of the four spandrels.
Below the dome,
spandrels tapering triangular spaces.
Two rounded arches at right angles are
byproducts of mounting a dome.
Spandrel, a design fitted into its space,
sits in the parts flanked
by the heavenly.
Below a man,
representing one of the four biblical rivers
pours water
from a pitcher in the narrowing space.
Below his feet
is elaborate. That we to view it
as sense of the surrounding
necessary spandrels.
They a space which the mosaicists worked.
They set the symmetry
such abound.
We do not impose our biological biases upon them,
a series.

Zine Workshop with artist Shing Yin Khor
On Wednesday, April 1st, artist Shing Yin Khor along with Professor Shiamin Kwa hosted a Zine Workshop in the new Carpenter Media Lab in conjunction with the East Asian Language and Culture course: Everything But the Table (EALC 345). The Carpenter Media Lab was a great new space for digital collaboration as the students quickly got to work making their own zines within one hour with art supplies scattering the tables.
Though much of Khor's work is printed or sculpted, the internet has become a gamechanger for artists like Khor. Through fundraising platforms like Patreon, artists of all kinds can create sponsorships where their fans can give monetary support in order to receive exclusive blog posts and updates as well as gifts and subscriptions. Furthermore, publishing platforms such as Issuu have made it easier to share zines and publications digitally.

Meet VoiceThread!
VoiceThread is a user-friendly way to share power point presentations, videos, photos, and other media. Students and professors can record video or audio responses, draw on the media to highlight certain points, and comment in text form. This site is useful for discussion outside of the classroom, allowing students to focus on the topic at hand and reflect in a collaborative way.
Want to Learn More?
Read how VoiceThread describes its capabilities.
Through VoiceThread...
Professors can:
- Upload power points
- Upload question slides for comment
- Comment on students’ writing in video, text, and visual formats
Students can:

Some sexist Christmas cheer
Well, Thanksgiving is over, time to bring out the Christmas tree, snowflake lights, and the Christmas music Pandora station. Even of you don't celebrate, I'm sure you get swept up in this time of the year. The moment Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas music comes out. The usual "Jingle Bells" and "Silent Night" that we hear every year. Among these annual favorites are a few that caught my eye - ones that enforce the media's view on women. For example "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carrey, a contemporary song embedded with the message that all women need is a man and their Christmas (life in general) will be perfect. Or how about "It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas" which continues to reinforce gendered stereotypes in children's toys - "A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots, Is the wish of Barney and Ben. Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk, Is the hope of Janice and Jen.” Or "Baby it's Cold Outside" in which the traditionally male part of the song pressures the traditionally female part of the song into staying for the night even when she has said "I really can’t stay, I’ve must go away, my mother will worry” yet the man persists “I simply must go / but Baby, it’s cold outside. The answer is no / but baby, it’s cold outside” She says the first part of each of those sentences, she says no, but he pressures her to stay. Songs like this one normalize the problematic male behavior, which contributes to and perpetuates rape culture in our society.

Doubletake / The Garden 5
I felt the presence of something numinous in the garden as I opened the door and stepped out.
There was a rustle in the brush of something just disappearing on the periphery.
And then I saw the deer, a female, quiet, unafraid.
She slowly walked out of the garden and behind the house.
There was a rustle in the foliage right under my feet where I had noticed only dead leaves, golden and brown and still damp from the night's rain.
A rabbit in its Fall coat, blending with the foliage, skittered off.
And then I saw her, not too far away and not too near, so wondrous on her four paws and her tawny fur –-
a lioness right there in my garden!
But I saw right away that one of her eyes was bloodied and bruised.
And standing right next to her was a small boy, unknown to me, repeatedly hitting her in the eye with a club.
I became suddenly anxious, my mood shifted.
And I worried that the lioness would tire of her own patience and turn on the child and attack him.
But the lioness refused to use her power against the child.
And I stood in awe trying to decide what to do.
What would you do?

Night Beech
Night Beech
Elephant foot.
Webbed arc.
Wet bark.
Winged dark.
Lymph pulse.
Black heart.

Half the Sky
Hey everybody, I don't really know if this has any place in this Ecological Imaginings class, but maybe if we can imagine the preservation of women to be a form of ecology, not unlike the preservation of all plant life, animal life.
I just wanted to call everyone's attention to this excellent documentary currently being shown on PBS on Mon & Tues nights at 9:00 PM. I imagine you guys have lots of time to watch films, yeah! But this is an amazing series.
"Half the Sky" about gender based violence.
Here's the link to the first & second segment:

The Garden 3
It has rained and the garden is very wet. There are no crows. The only sound is a damp thickness of cricket sound, thick as an invisible soup through which my ears have to wade. As I become accustomed and tuned in to them, I hear they are not just an undifferentiated "them", but a symphonic multitude, a chorus of legions of crickets under blade and under leaf, under bush, and under tree. I will search and perhaps find none. I have searched before. Their communication ( I believe that we can make that assumption) has a comforting effect on my nervous system. Theirs is a soft blanketing sound, an unobtrusive blend with the soft swish of leaves in a soundless breeze. We hear the air’s effects. The effect of its movement on surrounding things. Everything is connected. Everything has an affect on something, or someone else.
I have heard myself claim to myself that if a garden sound is not beautiful, in the sense to which I have become accustomed by small song birds, then I would prefer it to be unobtrusive. That is to say banished.
Do I prefer unobtrusive people? Unobtrusive plants?