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Alignment of Activities with Next Generation Science Standards

Most of our activities for helping middle school and high school students learn life sciences are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; and The attached tables summarize our activities that are explicitly aligned with NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas and Performance Expectations. These tables also summarize how each of these activities engages students in Scientific Practices and provides the opportunity to discuss Crosscutting Concepts. Brief descriptions of these activities are compiled at /exchange/bioactivities/NGSS/listing. The Teacher Notes for each activity provide additional information concerning alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards.

NGSS alignment.docx67.12 KB
NGSS alignment.pdf342.96 KB


Serendip Visitor's picture

New York State and NGSS

I was wondering if any New York State teachers are using any of the Serendipity NGSS lessons and if so, how they correlate to the NYSSLS?

iwaldron's picture

New York State and NGSS

I don't know if any New York State teachers are using the Serendip NGSS lessons. However, I have checked the New York State standards ( and many of the high school standards related to life-sciences appear to be quoted directly from the NGSS. I think it should be relatively easy to determine equivalence by comparing the New York State standards and the NGSS standards quoted in the Teacher Notes for each activity.
Good luck!

Mike Szczepanik's picture


iwaldron's picture

Thank you

Thank you for the helpful link to the informative resource.


Serendip Visitor's picture


Thank you so much for your reply; I appreciate it very much!
-Katie C.

iwaldron's picture

2022 revision

I have updated the tables to include all the new NGSS activities as of March 2022.

iwaldron's picture

2021 revision

I have updated the tables to include all the new NGSS activities as of March 2021.

maurice stephenson's picture

Life Science 7th Grade

This information is very, very useful.

Maurice Srephenson

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