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Download Minds-On Activities for Teaching Biology

Introduction and Activities Listing

Intro and Biological Molecules


Cell Structure and Function

Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis

Cell Division

Cell Division




Molecular Biology

Natural Selection


Natural Selection



Human Physiology and Health


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To preserve the value of these learning activities for other teachers, please do not post keys for any questions from any of these activities!

Creative Commons License


Dr. Ingrid Waldron is Professor Emerita in the Biology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. Co-authors include Dr. Jennifer Doherty, who is an Assistant Professor in the Physiology Department at Michigan State University, and Dr. Lori Spindler, who is a Lecturer in the Biology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. They have developed these activities in collaboration with colleagues at Penn and middle school and high school teachers in the Philadelphia area. We are grateful to Craig Douglas for his generous help with graphics.