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Precarious and Performative Play 2011 - Our Final Set of Web "Events"

Welcome. Below find a list of webpapers emerging from Precarious, Performative, Playful, Potential...Perspectives on Sex and Gender, an interdisciplinary course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2011. To conclude the "epilogue" of the course, "Moving On-and-Out From Here," students are here expanding on one of their earlier projects.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you ... what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about precarious, performative, playful, potential ... perspectives on sex and gender ?"Poetry Is Not A Luxury:" Thoughts on Writing for Social Change
AmophrastFinal Webpaper
AmyMayReflections on the Consent is Sexy Campaign: Moving Forward, Looking Back
AmyMayConsent is Sexy in pictures
aybala50At Bryn Mawr: Exploring Transgender Further
charlieThe Arc: An Exhibit on Right Relationships
chelseamMapping Entanglement: Witnessing and Acting in our Built and Natural Environments
essieteeWe're The Song Inside The Tune, Full of Beautiful Mistakes
GaviThe Groundings of a Commonwealth: Workshop on Forging Environmental Ethics Through Reading and Telling Stories
jfwrightThe Stories We Tell Ourselves: A Continuation of Web Event #2
jmorgantSexual Misconduct Policy Reform at Haverford College
KammySex and Gender Flowchart
Katie RandallShifting Standards of Care and Right Relationships
Kim Kun-conventional learning
leamirellaCampus Media and Right Relationships: Allowing the Student Body to Appear
lgleysteenDisruption in the Interpretation of Embodied Symbols
lwackerOrange Alert Extended.
phenomsA Community's Right Relationships: Urban Gardening
rachelrIdentifying Similarities and Differences
S. YaegerReconsidering Women's Colleges Through Butler, Barad, Kaleb, Dalke, and Ourselves.
sel209Entangling and Enabling: A handbook for BSA that encourages right relationships despite a disabling culture
ShlomoMale Athletes and Rape Culture: Structural Violence in the World and at Haverford (TRIGGER WARNING)
someshineSpeak About It Advertising Campaign - A Work In Progress
venn diagramPregnancy and Parenting Education Reform


Precarious and Performative Play 2011 - Our Third Set of Web "Events"

Welcome. Below find a list of webpapers emerging from Precarious, Performative, Playful, Potential...Perspectives on Sex and Gender, an interdisciplinary course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2011. To conclude the third "act" of the course, "Relationships, Left and Right," students are here exploring the possibility of building some sort of "right relationship," with reference to a concrete contemporary problem that interests each of them.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about right relationships and activism? Toward Right Relationships Among Philly Bike Orgs
AmophrastRight Relationships of Youth: Entangling Time
AmyMayThe Revolution is On
aybala50Moving towards a right relationship between Bryn Mawr College and Transgender Students
charlieThe Arc
chelseamPlanting Justice: Examining the Potential for Alliances between Urban Garden Groups and Other Environmental Health Organizations
essieteeMake Me Feel So Damn Unpretty
Gavi"Each is the Other": Israeli-Palestinian Literature and the Potentials for Right Relationships
jfwrightActivism Begins at Home: A Plenary Resolution Regarding the Admission of Trans Female Applicants to Bryn Mawr College
jmorgant"Consent is Sexy" at Haverford: Not Yet
KammyRefugees and Right Relationships
Katie RandallCommunal clarity: Making Sense of Media
Kim K Chain of Alliance
leamirellaThe nature of our entangled relationships; can we actually form a right relationship?
lgleysteenSearching for the Right Relationship Between Agency and Subjectivity
lwackerOrange Alert
phenomsRight Relationships in Urban Gardening - Overcoming the Race/Class Divide
rachelr"The Ugly Footprint of Africa's Black Gold"
S. YaegerA (Hopefully) Inclusive Conversation About Right Relationships Between Cis and Trans Feminists
sel209"A Scout Is...": Building a Right Relationship Between the Boy Scouts of America and the LGBTQ Community
ShlomoCreating Right Relationships with the International Refugee Community in the Wake of Little Bee
someshineA Response To President Creighton's Email "Sexual Misconduct Awareness"
venn diagramSex Workers’ Rights: A Call for Decriminalization


Precarious and Performative Play 2011 - Our Second Set of Web "Events"

Welcome. Below find a list of webpapers emerging from Precarious, Performative, Playful, Potential...Perspectives on Sex and Gender, an interdisciplinary course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2011. To conclude the second "act" of the course, "De/Meaning Sex and Gender," students are here explaining to a specific audience what's important about some dimension of the biology of gender or sexuality.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about the biology of gender and sexuality? Tango Makes Three: Making Sense of the "Gay Penguin" Controversy
Amophrast Humans Caged like Animals in Zoos Nationwide!!! Promoting the Study of Humans as Animals
AmyMayBiological Discourse and Rape Culture at Haverford College
aybala50All "Women's" College
charlieDear Middleschoolers, Love, Charlie
chelseamGender and Sexuality in the High School Biology Classroom: Fostering Critical Thinking and Active Engagement
essieteeYou Went To School To Learn, Girl, Things You Never Ever Knew Before
GaviThe Rainbow of Sex Difference: A Snippet from a Preteen Health Book
jfwrightThe Stories We Tell Ourselves: The Beginning of a Book about Sex and Gender for Trans* and Intersex Kids
jmorgantA response to “Miss Representation 8 min. trailer:” Changing gender stereotypes by increasing visibility of female athletes
KammySex and Gender Flowchart
Katie RandallPresenting on Intersexuality-- A Template
Kim KReel Queer: A Movie Lover's Look into Films Dealing with LGBT Issues
leamirellaPublic Sex Education in the Philippines
lgleysteenGay Marriage and Reproductive Options: An argument for Gay Marriage
lwackerUncovering the Cover-up: Gay Animals are in the Zoo too.
phenomsLesson Plan : Intersex
rachelrWhat Makes Us- a response to Jordan-Young
S. YaegerAn Open Letter to The ISNA Regarding How Discussing Intersex Is Vital to Our Understanding Of Gender Identity and Vice Versa
sel209"Dex" and Diversity
ShlomoMommies, Daddies, Families
someshineYou need to learn a lesson, Alison. Love, A
venn diagramPublications from Pregnancy Education Reform


Precarious, Performative, Playful, Potential ... Perspectives on Sex and Gender, 2011: Our First Set of Web "Events"

Welcome. Below find a list of webpapers emerging from Precarious, Performative, Playful, Potential...Perspectives on Sex and Gender, an interdisciplinary course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2011. To conclude the first "act" of the course, "Dis/Ability and Intra-Action," students are exploring here their current understandings of what it might mean to en-able intra-actions among gender, sexuality, disability studies and/or....?

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about gender and sexuality studies in intra-action with other fields of study?"Descanting on Deformity:" A Gender/Disability Look at Shakespeare's Richard III
Amophrast(In)visibility with Sex, Gender, and (Dis)ability: Correcting Images
AmyMayDiffracting and Entangling System-Correcting Praxis
aybala50A Dream Within a Dream
charliePortraying the Naked Woman
chelseamClaiming the Stare: Jes Sachse and the Transformative Potential of Seeing
essietee“Y’know what they call a unicorn without a horn? A friggin’ horse.” - Disability, Sexuality, and Passing in Glee
GaviVoicing Rhetorics of Beauty
jfwright"Called Me Crazy": Insanity and Non-Normative, Butch Identities
jmorgantRedefining Difference: The Emergence of the Disability Movement
KammyFinding “Home”: The Gay Evangelical Body
Katie RandallMedical Authority in the Discourses of Disability and Transsexuality
Kim KOut of the Closet: Fashion's Influence on Gender and Sexuality
leamirella"You-Topia" And What It Means To Be At "Home".
lgleysteenNonverbal Communication as an Unclear Symbol of Gender and Identity
lwackerInter-acting with Art, Nina Berman's "marine wedding"
phenomsCulturally constructed sexuality
rachelrThe Medical Treatment of… gayness?
S. YaegerChallenging The Idea of Independence As A Desirable End
sel209Grey Matters: Age as Disability through the Lens of Sexuality
ShlomoA Modern-Day Lysistrata: Sex Strikes, Diffraction, and Enabling Disability
someshineWho was Ssehura/Sartjee/Saartje/Saat-je/Saartji/Saat-Jee/Saartjie/Sara(h) ?
venn diagramThe Perils of Passing as Explored by the Works of Frances Negrón-Muntaner and Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez


AnnaP's picture

What is the revolutionary potential of comics as a medium?

Hello classmates, professors, and visitors!

As the culmination of The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, I have created a comic in dialogue with Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics that is meant to complement his work by both demonstrating how his ideas are useful and also highlighting some things that he left out of his theory of comics as a revolutionary medium.

Oak's picture

Grace Hopper, Builder of Cyborgs

Grace Hopper is perhaps the most well-known pioneering figure in computer science. She coded the first compiler and is known as the “grandmother of Cobol.”[i] Her vision and drive helped spur computer innovation farther than was thought possible, and led to technologies that even she could not foresee. Her ideal of making computer use easier and more intuitive to humans was carried farther than she could have imagined by technologies like those Andy Clark speaks of in Natural Born Cyborgs.

Apocalipsis's picture

Chorost & a Continuation of Teknolust

Our in class conversation on Monday with author Michael Chorost's skype was certainly dynamic. Although I enjoyed the topics discussed, I found that at one point I asked the wrong question and didn't get the more appropriate one across. If I could get the chance to speak with Chorost again, I'd ask him the following:

spreston's picture

Facebook: A New Way to Construct Identity

Facebook: A New Way to Construct Identity

Hillary G's picture

Feminist Science Studies: Questions of Necessity

               I am admittedly kind of divided on the subject of feminist science studies. On the one hand, I love the idea of combining the sciences and the humanities (as I have been trying to figure out a career path that combines the two). There is definitely a place in the sciences for an examination of women’s role in developing the scientific field. We have been kept out of the highest positions in science for too long, and I admire those who are fighting to change that reality.

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