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Sleepwalking Experiences

Ann Dixon's picture
Welcome to Serendip's forum for sharing sleepwalking experiences. "Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder effecting an estimated 10 percent of all humans at least once in their lives. This widespread phenomenon varies in its intensity and frequency. While most sleepwalking incidents are short and not dangerous, some can involve self-injury and are much more dangerous for the sleeper. Also, most interestingly, the disorder seems to stem from many different sources, not from one definable cause such as a chemical imbalance." (Howard, 1999)

This forum is a place to share sleepwalking experiences, thoughts, feelings, treatments, and experiences. Serendip does not offer special medical expertise, but rather a gathering place to talk, listen, think aloud and be heard.

Thanks for visiting, and please join in.

Serendip Visitor's picture

FFS. Supposed to be about sleep walking people. Not drunks!

Could who ever regulates this site please wipe all the pointless comments from drunks trying to use a medical condition as an excuse for there pathetic alcoholism. Thank you.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Alcohol is a factor.

Please take the time to do some research and you will find that alcohol consumption is a major contributor to the act of sleepwalking.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I think for many people such

I think for many people such as myself, drinking triggers sleepwalking. How are any of us using sleepwalking as an excuse for alcoholism? I don't drink because I sleepwalk. Your definition of alcoholism is ludicrous and unrealistic. Your comment tries to make a forum about helping people into an elitist, no-drinkers-allowed forum. If the mods were gonna regulate who can and cannot post, I would hope they would start by removing your nonsensical and whiny comment.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i agree

i agree with the posts above

Serendip Visitor's picture

i agree with the post above

i too sleepwalk on occasion, and yes i do drink myself, dose that make me an alcoholic...NO. i hold a respectful 9-5 job, and enjoy it but If i happen to be out drinking with friends then wake up to find that I've embarrassed myself, and because of that, u say that i cant post on here to maybe find help... this site should be filtered of people that don't want to help others such as yourself!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

it is alcohol

my bf drinks atleast 1 or 2 times a week and his peeing while sleepwalking only happens on those nights. its fustrating but they say it can b very dangerous to wake someone while sleepwalking. but sites like this r what helps so you at least know ur not the only one going through this alone but yes maybe if he quit drinkin it would stop but thats like saying if ppl stop doing all there habits then we would all be the same n whats life if were all the same

Serendip Visitor's picture


I've also had a history of sleepwalking and peeing....3 times in my life ive been told i was sleep and trying to pee in somthing thats not the toilet...just last night i woke up peeing on my side of the bed.....I remember getting up...or at least dreaming i got up....when i came to over the bed and retraced my steps i had peed in the bathroom sink...and kinda dripped to my side of the bed...then let it go...luckily my wife wasnt pissed she thinks i need to go to a psych doc or somthing though. I am really weirded out about it because I woke up in the middle of it on my side of the bed....

Serendip Visitor's picture

Cure for Subconscious Urination

An easy way to never pee in your sleep again is to stop drinking. 100% effective.
Next time you get offered a drink- say no thanks. If you want to hang out and relax with friends, smoke some pot and drink some juice. Next time you want a drink- just don't have it.
It's that easy.
If you meet your friends at a bar- shout some food, get a coke, and play some pool.
It's stupid to assume that you can't hang out with your friends if you can't drink.
Get some confidence.
You don't have to drink to be social- you have to be with people to be social. Would you reconsider any of your friendships because one of them quit smoking, or eating sugar, or bbqing on sundays, or drinking alcohol.
It's your business. make it your thing. and stop peeing on the couch.

Serendip Visitor's picture

awesome post last night i

awesome post last night i woke up and walked into my spare bedroom where my friend was sleeping and pissed all over my hundred dollar books for college i think it was the alcohol i'm gonna get wasted tonight and see if it happens again

Serendip Visitor's picture

hey there is nothing wrong

hey there is nothing wrong with drinking maybe you should pee before you go to the bathroom before you go to bed!!!! EVER THINK ABOUT THAT ONE MISTER! there is nothing wrong randomly peeing its actually FUNNY!!!!! what is a little pee going to do?!?!?!?! its not toxic :) HAVE A GREAT DAY! :) :) :) :) :)

Serendip Visitor's picture

moist building

My girlfriend is in the military and has recently discovered this weird chain of events... it started while she was at home on leave. Shed go out with friends, have a few beers, come home, sleep, wake up to a moist spot on her carpet. She was a little freaked not knowing what it was or having any recollection of doing anything... it happened a few more times in her barracks after a night of drinking....she woke up to a moist carpet....still not knowing anything about what had happened. I got a call from her last night at 1am. She had apparently got up and went outside without shoes.... walked down to the first floor, went outside and peed on the building... this time waking up mid pee..... we don't know what's up. It scares me that its getting worse and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.... any advice? What is the cause of this? How do you stop it?

Serendip Visitor's picture

she could stop drinking...

she could stop drinking...

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep peeing in parents bedroom WTF

Okay I got drunk sometimes and this has never happend before. today I got out of my room whent into the room of my parents and started to take a piss on the scale, my parents woke up and were saying like? what are you doing? I answered: "I'm taking a piss".

my mom yelled and said go to the toilet, I went to the toilet and proceeded peeing even putting on the lights etc...

The next day my mom asks me if I know what I did? And suddenly things started to come back but I only remembered it in kind of a dreamy way. I was embarased ofcourse and scared because I couldn't control myself in that state. After she told me how I answered her question I laughed my ass off.

Even if I read the comments, Its absolutly hilarious, and I don't want to make people feel bad by laughing but I find it absolutly amusing these story's. I had my laught with mine and I hope It will never occur again.

details: while I was peeing I remember that it wasn't a steady piss it was as if my mind was saying: "I think this is wrong" And so i peed in bursts :D. So something was still there that could reason but the other side was far stronger.

My dad told me about a friend in the army that would also do this, he said that once you do it once it will keep comming back. I don't want to believe him. I'm 19 btw.

And I don't like the psychological explenation of rejection or abuse in childhood. I wasn't abused and although I couldn't get along with my father some times I don't believe I therefor did it. I was feeling soo good all the days before, perfectly balanced in my being, unlike my exessive thoughts normaly. I now know how to find that state of neutral being which in spiritual circles is called realization and when further practiced "enlightenment". I don't thus believe it had something to do with my mindset or personal problems at the time.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Similar experience

The only two times in my life that I have sleepwalked were after drinking Belgian beer. The first time I woke to find myself using my friend's sink as a urinal and the second time I was apparantly attempting to use my parents' cupboard as a toilet, thankfully I found my way to the real toilet after my mother put me right. This was all reported to me the next morning and I have no recollection at all.
I do drink quite a lot of beer and it is only after Belgian beer that I sleepwalk. Clearly there is a correlation. I am not sure whether it is the high alcohol content, Belgian beer generally ranges from 6% upwards, or brewing methods, but one beer is enough to cause the sleepwalking.
When you sleepwalked, do you remember what you had been drinking specifically? Simply not drinking Belgian beer is the solution for me!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Mortified by this sleep peeing

I'm stunned to learn this is more common than I thought. I've witnessed my husband do this three times so far. The first time was a couple years ago on a chair outside our bedroom door. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I thought it was a random bizarre one time thing. Now in the last month, he's done it two more times. Once in our closet and then last night, in the floor by the bathroom vanity. Each time, I'm up in the middle of the night trying to clean it up. I've never told him he's done this, but I think it's time I do. He obviously remembers nothing. I notice the running theme here with everyone who does this is that they've been drinking alcohol. He works hard and is a good provider, but he's basically a functioning alcoholic from a family of alcoholics. He drinks anywhere from 8 to 10 beers each evening while chilling in his "man cave", but apparently he doesn't see this as a problem. He travels alot for work, so lord knows what he's done in hotel rooms. He needs to face drinking issues. Is this a preview of things to come?

Serendip Visitor's picture


Im really glad to learn i am not the only one out there who is having this problem. My husband has been getting up and peeing on the floor in our bedroom, a lot of times when he has been drinking. Sometimes im quick enough that i wake him up and guide him to the toilet before he goes. but lately i havent been able too. Damn alcohol....causing so much trouble

Serendip Visitor's picture

What did you do???

What did you do because your story sounds just like my husband. The 8-10 beers and all...

Serendip Visitor's picture

Thank god my roommate is nice...

So its my first fall semester in college and the first night in my new dorm I ended up in my suite mates bed across the hall. I was really drunk and have no recollection of getting up out of my own bed, crossing through the bathroom and passing out in his bed. He came home about 4:30AM and spent 5 minutes trying to wake me up. I finally opened my eyes, realized I was not in my room, and stumbled back to my own bed in my underwear... That was kind of funny so I just dismissed it as a drunken mishap. However, last night I hit an all time low. Once again, I came home drunk and passed out in my bed. Apparently I woke up in the middle of the night, opened my roommates drawer and pissed in it... I proceeded to tap the foot of his bed (probably looking for the flusher on what I must have thought was the toilet). I've never slept walk before sober or drunk and now I'm freaking out. I spent $25 restocking my roommates food drawer and thank god he's a nice kid because I would've flipped out if someone did that to me. Any solutions? Because this crap cannot happen again!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Big Time Problem

Okay well I slept walked when i was a kid... alot. I have slept walked with drinking alchol and not drinking alchol I typically am not violent ever, especially sleep walkin usually ill go and pee on the sofa .. or on cloths.. or everytime im in a new house ill find something new to pee on. Once I was Dancing one time i was playing with my gf toes WEIRD. I have a deeper voice apparenlty if i speak. ANYWAYS Last night though, my girlfriend woke me up to check on our new born. Apparently I sat up looked at her then wacked her in the bridge or her nose. She actually bled.. NO RECOLECTION what so ever of this.. we had no argument throughout the whole night it was over nothing. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME it's so frustrating and I don't know what to do or say. I'm lucky I still have my girlfriend. This is really awful.

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hey there, well first of all i understand this is not your fault and you cannot control this. However i urge you to get help immediatley. If you dont it could get worse, you said you have a new born? PLEASE you need to get help!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

4 year old sleep walks to pee, any help?

My four year old son started sleep walking to go to the bathroom, it actually works out alright when the bathroom light is on and he is only wearing underwear or something loose fitting to pull off.

However, we have had several instances where the bathroom light is off and he will walk around in circles in the hallway crying until we turn the light on and direct him to where he needs to go. The other issue of this is his "trigger" words. If the phrase "do you need to go to the bathroom" is mentioned it triggers him to pull down his pants immediately and start going. Instances: we heard him crying in the hallway and asked him "what is wrong", he walked into our room and flipped the light on. With completely open eyes looking straight at us, my husband uttered the phrase and the boy walked straight over to our bed, dropped his pants and started peeing as if he were at a urinal. Another instance he walked into his sister's room that is next to his and she asked if he needed to use the restroom, again we are up with the carpet cleaner. Of course he thinks we are lying to him when we tell him about it the next day because he doesn't recall any of it.

Right now our only option seems to be to leave the bathroom light on and never say that phrase to him during the evening but I was wondering if this is going to have adverse reactions to his sleep patterns? Will it ever stop? Is there something else we could be doing? and of course, is it going to get worse, as in walking to other places in the house or outside the house?

Any thoughts are welcome.


Serendip Visitor's picture

same problem

My 4 year old daughter has been doing the same thing on and off for about 7 months. Its really frustrating because I know she knows where the bathroom is. She don't really have trigger words but when directed to go used the potty, she goes in there and come back out. She marches around and right back to my room. I said "did you use the potty"? She shake her head yes and walk bk to her room. As soon as I think she went bk to sleep, she starts the process all over now with whinning. I'm not going to lie....I hate it! And its creepy. Most of the time I have to place her on the toilet seat or she will pee on herself. She usually fights and scream when I do that. 1 hr ago, I heard her wake up and march back and forth before she stormed in my room. Didn't acknowledge myself or her father. She walked to the end of the room and back out. She went in the bathroom and came back out, walking down the stairs. I followed, and watched her pee at the bottom of the steps. She was staring at me with a blank expression then all of a sudden she looked down and turned her head back to me and cried. Is there a name for this behavior? Or is it just plain sleepwalking?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Correcting itself

So I just wanted to add a little update to my post.

I have had several conversations with my son about this happening and after he understood and believed us that he was doing this it made a big difference. We made sure he was completely aware of where the bathroom light is and he had a nice growth spurt over the summer making it easier for him to reach.

I still hear him getting up in the middle of the night, sometimes, but now when the light is off he systematically turns the light on and continues to the toilet. It is happening a lot less frequently and with better results. I still have concern that this will continue to be a problem throughout his life, especially after he moves out on his own but I have several years to research this further.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Peeing

Its such a huge relief to know I’m not alone with this. I’ve just had the worst night of my life, it started with me passing out in bed with my girlfriend having drank way to much during the evening, the next thing I remember I’m outside my flat somewhere in a corridor having a piss. At the time it seemed the most normal thing to be doing, then I woke up, confused and disorientated. I’m stark bollock naked somewhere in a maze or corridors desperately trying to find the front door to my flat. By this time I’ve sobered up and I’m panicking, I’m in my worst nightmare naked running up and down corridors on different floors trying to find home. After what felt like a lifetime I find the front door, I burst in to my flat to find my girlfriend half dressed and crying. She’s been awake trying to find me panicking having no idea I’m outside running around the flats like a fucking idiot naked and terrified.

I’m safe now, in my living room wondering what the fuck just happened. Its so reassuring knowing im not alone. I’m never drinking again !!

Serendip Visitor's picture

husband sleep acts and im pregnant

Im starting to egt worried about my husband and im wondering fi there is any medical help we could have? Im 25 weeks pregnant and my husband sleep talks and walks, in the past he has dragged me out of the bed thinking there is a bomb and other weird things, last night he was holding me down by my bump and trying to give me and injection - in his dream no objects involed. He doesnt know he does it obviously and it upsets both of us. im worried about what he may do whilst im heavily pregnant and he doesnt know how to stop it. Does anyone know what we can do?????

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep acts

keep a spray bottle by the bed. a quick squirt to the face should snap him out of it, however if you dont think this will work or you think he could do something harmful to you before you get a chance to wake him up, i stronglu suggest you have him sleep on the couch with your door to protect your stomach. you should consider this when the newborn is in the house too. if he is not a violent person its very unlikely he will try to commit violent acts in his sleep however trying to do heroic acts such as saving you from a bomb may be just as harmful.

Serendip Visitor's picture

re:husband sleep acts and im pregnant

I have heard that having them sleep in something confining like a sleeping bag can help eliminate the acts because it stops them from easily getting up and around.

Serendip Visitor's picture


i was sleeping while my sister was on the phone and she said i randomly stood up out of the bed and looked at her eyes wide open an then walked to the closed door and slammed into it as hard as i possibly could...and fell to the floor and then curled up into a tight ball... and she said it took or 10 minutes to wake me up and that she had to tell me 6 times what had happened before it registered in my head what was going on she said i did not remember anything and i did not know why i was on the floor or why she was waking me up....

Serendip Visitor's picture

Drunk Walkin

When I get really drunk I have an issue with I guess getting up and walkin around (don't remember) and finding myself in a embarrising situation. Last week staying at a friends house, we had a good night, I went to bed, fell asleep and then apparently walked around the house mummbling and being drunk, went outside and peed on the lawn. I have done this at a hotel on business, not good! and have also peed on a stero system. I guess I need to stop drinkin so much!

Serendip Visitor's picture

drunk walkin reply

i have the same problem :\ it only happens when im drunk however its not that im BLACKED OUT walking around wasted. even if im not that drunk and i fall asleep, i often sleep walk. i thought it was just me but looking at all these posts im seeing that drinking definitly has to do with sleep walking. and sleep peeing... i have now peed on the following. my parents hamper, my hamper, the carpet, a computer moniter, my opened up bottom drawer which was full of underwear. and of course... my favorite on my girlfriend while i was standing over her while she was sleeping

Serendip Visitor's picture

DRINK and PEE No DRINK and PEE again? whattt????? nooo!

i peed on my monitor last night, ive been drinking alot past these months, like heavy drinking,

and now im in the quitting process

, but last night i was sober from alcohol! wtf

i just smoked some pot which im quitting too along with ciggarettes, right now i feel pretty depressed in life ,and this multi quitting process is making it harder, and i keep on slipping but im getting there, but yesterday before i peed on my monitor i had some tequila in the daytime , not much like 4 shots and then nothing till 3am which is about wwhen i passed out after smoking a blunt of kush (pot), but previous to that ive been drinking alott, my dad and his dad was alcoholics and im only 23 and im almost certain and aware that its in my genes, that is why im battling.

but holy s*&t !!!! the sleepwalking thing scared me today more than ever because its 3rd day in a row im peeing on my office desk...... and to mention i was sober last night before bed, im scared, from reading these comments im quitting alcohol for good because this is really embarrasing and will not be tolerated by most normal people like my gf ..... if she finds out unless she allready knows ...

just for the record I sleep walked when i was a child ALOT , i would walk around and when i made face contact i smiled with my parents, no recollection obviously... then when i first started drinking alot after high school i started rearranging and fixing random objects around my house, my grandma at one point thought it was her husbands spirit.....i didnt say anything because she thought the same spirit was drinking her alcohol from the cabinet that was me but i was not i never told her ...yeah im an ass.... but i replaced the bottles :)

anyways so im sure everyone has their own life story and habits but it seems like my story is pretty consistant , alcohol clearly screws you in a bad way and makes you do things that are not under your control, which should freak the hell out of most people.

one thing is not answered to me is why did i still peed on my monitor even after 12 hours of not drinking....must be something more to this, it has to be something psychological, i really pray its just the alcohol, if its not , well then , this sucks.

so I suggest to STOP drinking and go to a freaking AA meeting or NA, cuz im thinking i should.

Ill bookmark this page so i will come back and post a follow up on what happened , and i hope it helps , obviously there are many of us with questions on why this is happening and how it can be stopped. today is June 10, i will come back here tommorow.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i was looking for something

i was looking for something like this i do the same thing when i'm drunk i get up sleep walk and always end up peein on something that unfortunatley isn't the toilet. it only happens when i am away from home like at a party. it has come to the stagw where i am afraid to fall asleep at someones house. the last incident happened a few weeks ago and infront of a few people i peed on a stereo... is there anything i can do to stop this

Serendip Visitor's picture

My husband who is now 33, has

My husband who is now 33, has been drunken sleep peeing since he was in his mid teens. It doesn't take much for him to get to the point of passing out and then wakin up repeatedly during the night and peeing in various spots in the house (usually about 5 beer will do it). I have heard when he was a teen he peed in someone's fridge. I have personally seen him pee on his mother's curtains, the floor, the bed,f the door of a cabin, his tool bag etc... Yelling at him while it is happening makes no difference, he really thinks he is in the bathroom, and later when he sobers up, he has no recollection of the incident. My husband is half native american and his father is a closet alcoholic. I am at my whits-end as I am now 8 months pregnant and terrified he will do this with a child in the house. He is not an alcoholic but if his freinds are drinking, he cannot say 'no' and then overinduges (although he is a very cheap drunk and cannot walk properly after 4 beer). Does anyone have any advice on what may be wrong with him? I am tempted to drag him to the doctor at this point.

Serendip Visitor's picture

drinking and peeing

I am 24 years old now and have 1 baby boy and another one coming. I went to my buddies b-day party and had a few too much. I don't remeber peeing on the carpet. This is not the first time. My wife get soooooooo angry with me, when she is mad its like WW3 (world war 3). I wish there is a way too find a cure. So don't worry its not one person having this problem there is other having the same problem. My advice is keeping a limit to yourself with drinking

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep walk pee

well good to know im not the only guy doin thishaha, but lastnite i really screwed the pooch, was super drunk, drank 14 pints, had a reallyhot girl over and yea sleepin in my bed, apprently i got up from bed, took 5 steps and just started peeing on the floor infront of the girl. awesome.....

Serendip Visitor's picture

Drunken sleep walking and peeing

I thought I was alone in this problem. It has happened to me many times when I am drunk. I wake up in the middle of the night, move around the house and sometimes pee on the floor. It is very embarassing! Sometimes I even get out of the house. We need to get a cure for this as it is difficult for some of us to stop drinking.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I binge drink too much

one time i drank a lot one night with some friends and went back to my barracks room. when i woke up the next morning my friend asked me if i remembered what i did last night. apparently i woke up and walked around my bed and began peeing all over the front of my flat screen tv. i actually remember dreaming about it and i was having a great time. i remember peeing and laughing. tv still works.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Early in the morning

It is very early in the morning and me and my friend came back to his house after the bar. He passed out on his kitchen bar and after 3-hours of being passed out began to slowly revive himself from his hunched state. I assumed he was waking up, but he ended up coming around to the bar (the side i am on the computer at) and pulled up one the stools like a toilet seat and proceeded to pee all over it, for a very very long time.
My first reaction was "What the F*** dude?" to which he replied, sorry dude. After he was done peeing I said "What the F, you just peed all over the floor and toilet stool!"
He giggled and said yeah right... Which is when I realized his eyes were closed the entire time. He turned around ate a ton of food out of the fridge and then passed back out.. It was very amusing.

Serendip Visitor's picture

The other night, I had gone

The other night, I had gone out with friends, drank a little too much, and ended up stumbling around my room when i got dropped off. It wasn't until the next morning when I realized what I had actually done. For some reason, I guess I didn't feel like going to the bathroom, so squatted down, and peed right on my carpet floor. The spot took a few days to actually dry, im just glad it was in my room and not somewhere else for others to see!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep pissing - a first for me!

As far as I know, last night was my 2nd sleepwalking experience in 4 months. I was really really drunk both times. The first was in a hotel (unfamiliar surroundings).
This morning my boyfriend asks me how much of last night I remember - I asked if there was something I should remember... he says, "you don't remember pissing on the bedroom floor???""
I am glad there are other females on here who have pissed in their sleep - but I didn't even squat!! I stood straight up holding the door frame and just let loose according to him. This was after rummaging around in the room for a while and him trying to lead me back to bed with me telling him that "this isn't the way back to bed"....

Is it just that I was SO drunk AND in unfamiliar surroundings? Have any other females pissed while standing up???? I'm more than a little freaked out by this fact!!
I need to seriously not binge drink any more!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Pissing

I had a terrible experience once when I was staying at a friend's house in Glasgow. I remember going to bed fine but the next thing I remember I was squatting on his couch in the his bedroom, pissing all over it and the floor, watching him sleeping at the same time to check he wasn't looking. I don't remember going back to bed but at some point I got up again and put a towel over it so soak it up, but I can't have been properly awake then either otherwise I would have cleaned it up. How embarrassing!

However, I know that my friend's mother actually took a shit in the living room whilst her husband and son were in there, watching tv. I just hope I never do that!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Walking

Hi! I sleep walk too!! my boyfriend was sleeping next to me! he said i got up and peed on the floor and crawled back into bed. its so embarrasing i dont know how to stop it... i really like this guy we started dating and its really weird... maybe im drinking too much!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

first time :(

This happened to me for the first time Saturday night, I had sobered up slightly and fell asleep. My boyfriend says I got up and actually walked to the bathroom! Then I came back into his room, pulled his chair away from the pc, pulled down my underwear and sat over the edge of it using my hands on the chair to keep me up and peed! I woke up in the bed crying with him asking me what the hell had just happened. Lol very awkward moment when he had to explain to ME what I'd done..

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Peeing, I'm not alone, but how do i fix this?

It's a relief to read all these comments and the similarities. If I drink a lot, I will often either wake somewhere in my place, that's not my bed or stumble upon a puddle wondering what the? Generally the two go together, too much drinking and a late night puddle.
Of late I seem to wake my flatmate, with him hearing me walk up and down the stairs, looking for the bathroom, but i have an ensuite?. He investigate and checks on me, he’ll talk to me and almost have a conversation, but I have no recollection, I’ve almost got a reputation for sleep peeing/sleepwalking now and I don’t like it one bit. I’ve sleep pee’d in my chest of draws, on my laptop, floor, in my luggage on holidays (not good) and in my bed.
I did have bed wetting issues as a child, and it was not a good experience, but I did grow out of it. It sort of made a brief reappearance at 30 and now again at 38? I’m certain that for me, it’s the amount I drink and how long I’m at it. I hate drunken sleep peeing or sleep walking and waking up in a friend couch or floor, totally naked. Need to do more research to see if there is something the stop it.
I know the reality, stop or slow down drinking, but I’d like to have fun still, but not the embarrassment.

Serendip Visitor's picture

It just happen

It just happen to me it never in my hole life did i
Pee in the bed and my girl friend was like what
the fuck have u done and I couldn't say shit at
all cause it never happen the fuck up part was
I pee on her. (Can u say with me damn that's fucked
up"") tell me what can I do about that?

Serendip Visitor's picture

How do I fix this?

Did you every find a way to fix the problem?

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep peeing

when i was a kid apparently i had probelms with going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, i wouldnt get up i would just pee the bed. the doctor told me i have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. a little after my father found me sleep walking around the house and he didnt know why, i then proceeded to pee on the floor. apparently this had happened multiple times all as a kid. we seemed to think i was just sleep walking but couldnt find the bathroom. now im 19 and this happens only when i drink a lot. the first time it happened i really had no idea and no one saw, my friends futon was just soaked and my pants were dry except my butt that was sitting on it, now i realize i had gotten up, peed on the futon, then went back to sleep on it. this was about a year ago since then it has happened 4 more times, 1 where i peed in a mudroom, 2 where i peed in my friends room on his furnace / carpet, another where i peed in the garbage, of course it missed and ran all over the floor, and one where i peed in someones laundry room, that one went unoticed. one time i got up and my friend was like, where are you going? (after they were aware of what i was prone to doing) and apparently i just kept saying two pointless words, idk what they were, but eventually he said i clearly snapped out of w.e i was doing and said 'im going to the bathroom' then got up and went to the bathroom. i just wish this shit would stop its so embarassing and so far its only happened with my close friends who are thankfully forgiving but one day its going to happen with someone idk very well and im scaredddd. i need to cut back my drinking.

Serendip Visitor's picture

"you pissed in my crisper."

Ok I am so glad I'm not alone here. I have now peed in my sleep 3 times, that I know of, all after drinking.

A couple years ago was the worst. I got up after passing out on my cousins couch. Next thing he knows he finds me pants around my ankles literally SITTING on the edge of the bottom ledge in his FRIDGE. Once he snapped me out of it the damage was already done. The entire crisper drawer was filled with my own piss. He was yelling WTF over and over. To this day he still tells people about how I peed in his crisper.
Last weekend I did it again. I woke up from a night of drinking sitting straight up on the couch completely soaked with no memory of how I got like that. And I mean everything, my jeans, boots, socks.. soaked. My friend informed me that in the middle of the night I walked into the kitchen and stood there for a half an hour pissing myself and throwing empty beer cans onto the floor.
Now last night I striked again. I woke up with my shorts completely wet. My friend had no clue what I did. So I went searching for the wet spot knowing it had to be there somewhere. And there it was, right next to the bed. It was drenched, I even managed to pee on my cowgirl boots. But the floor was totally soaked.

I officially have a problem. No clue why I like to sleep walk while pissing myself after I've drank, but I don't like it when I wake up. Not at all.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Naked drunken sleep walking...

i woke up the other morning completely naked, knowing i had gone to bed in underwear... i looked around my room and couldn't see my clothing so i decided after having similar things like it happen before with sleepwalking, to go have a look at least for my knickers! i found them on the stairs soaking wet...luckily before the rest of the house was up... im just praying to god it was after they had gone to sleep and none of the 7 people i live with saw me wondering around naked... i havent yet heard anything but im not staying there for a couple of nights until the embarassment im feeling has died down a little.... luckily i couldnt find a piss patch hoping no one else did...i don't know wether to ask or not???

the week before i went to the toilet right in the middle of my floor...
a time before that i found my top in the hall (luckily i still had my pants on!)
and 2 times way before that, i have attempted to climb out of windows, one time to wee out of it, the other cause i was convinced a taxi was outside it waiting for me.....

i seem to have quite a bad problem... all times have been when im drinking but never as pissed as i have been at times...needless to say im cutting it down.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i didn't pee i don't think i

i didn't pee i don't think i didn't get all the details of what happened, but i was at a house party once in a friend of a friends appartment.
So i have a few drinks get kind'a wasted and eventually fall asleep.
during that, i managed to undress my lower body xD do some random stretches in the kitched and passed out in the kitchen the room everyone has to walk through -.-' woke up the next morning half naked trying to find my clothes (was naked from belt down)
it was either a pretty wild night, or i really am a crazily bad sleep walker...
i've learnt a lesson though, I am never drinking again...well not enough to get me into that sort of state ever again, it was embarassing as hell.