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moist building

My girlfriend is in the military and has recently discovered this weird chain of events... it started while she was at home on leave. Shed go out with friends, have a few beers, come home, sleep, wake up to a moist spot on her carpet. She was a little freaked not knowing what it was or having any recollection of doing anything... it happened a few more times in her barracks after a night of drinking....she woke up to a moist carpet....still not knowing anything about what had happened. I got a call from her last night at 1am. She had apparently got up and went outside without shoes.... walked down to the first floor, went outside and peed on the building... this time waking up mid pee..... we don't know what's up. It scares me that its getting worse and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.... any advice? What is the cause of this? How do you stop it?


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