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Sleep Peeing

Its such a huge relief to know I’m not alone with this. I’ve just had the worst night of my life, it started with me passing out in bed with my girlfriend having drank way to much during the evening, the next thing I remember I’m outside my flat somewhere in a corridor having a piss. At the time it seemed the most normal thing to be doing, then I woke up, confused and disorientated. I’m stark bollock naked somewhere in a maze or corridors desperately trying to find the front door to my flat. By this time I’ve sobered up and I’m panicking, I’m in my worst nightmare naked running up and down corridors on different floors trying to find home. After what felt like a lifetime I find the front door, I burst in to my flat to find my girlfriend half dressed and crying. She’s been awake trying to find me panicking having no idea I’m outside running around the flats like a fucking idiot naked and terrified.

I’m safe now, in my living room wondering what the fuck just happened. Its so reassuring knowing im not alone. I’m never drinking again !!


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