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same problem

My 4 year old daughter has been doing the same thing on and off for about 7 months. Its really frustrating because I know she knows where the bathroom is. She don't really have trigger words but when directed to go used the potty, she goes in there and come back out. She marches around and right back to my room. I said "did you use the potty"? She shake her head yes and walk bk to her room. As soon as I think she went bk to sleep, she starts the process all over now with whinning. I'm not going to lie....I hate it! And its creepy. Most of the time I have to place her on the toilet seat or she will pee on herself. She usually fights and scream when I do that. 1 hr ago, I heard her wake up and march back and forth before she stormed in my room. Didn't acknowledge myself or her father. She walked to the end of the room and back out. She went in the bathroom and came back out, walking down the stairs. I followed, and watched her pee at the bottom of the steps. She was staring at me with a blank expression then all of a sudden she looked down and turned her head back to me and cried. Is there a name for this behavior? Or is it just plain sleepwalking?


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