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4 year old sleep walks to pee, any help?

My four year old son started sleep walking to go to the bathroom, it actually works out alright when the bathroom light is on and he is only wearing underwear or something loose fitting to pull off.

However, we have had several instances where the bathroom light is off and he will walk around in circles in the hallway crying until we turn the light on and direct him to where he needs to go. The other issue of this is his "trigger" words. If the phrase "do you need to go to the bathroom" is mentioned it triggers him to pull down his pants immediately and start going. Instances: we heard him crying in the hallway and asked him "what is wrong", he walked into our room and flipped the light on. With completely open eyes looking straight at us, my husband uttered the phrase and the boy walked straight over to our bed, dropped his pants and started peeing as if he were at a urinal. Another instance he walked into his sister's room that is next to his and she asked if he needed to use the restroom, again we are up with the carpet cleaner. Of course he thinks we are lying to him when we tell him about it the next day because he doesn't recall any of it.

Right now our only option seems to be to leave the bathroom light on and never say that phrase to him during the evening but I was wondering if this is going to have adverse reactions to his sleep patterns? Will it ever stop? Is there something else we could be doing? and of course, is it going to get worse, as in walking to other places in the house or outside the house?

Any thoughts are welcome.



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