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Sleepwalking Experiences

Ann Dixon's picture
Welcome to Serendip's forum for sharing sleepwalking experiences. "Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder effecting an estimated 10 percent of all humans at least once in their lives. This widespread phenomenon varies in its intensity and frequency. While most sleepwalking incidents are short and not dangerous, some can involve self-injury and are much more dangerous for the sleeper. Also, most interestingly, the disorder seems to stem from many different sources, not from one definable cause such as a chemical imbalance." (Howard, 1999)

This forum is a place to share sleepwalking experiences, thoughts, feelings, treatments, and experiences. Serendip does not offer special medical expertise, but rather a gathering place to talk, listen, think aloud and be heard.

Thanks for visiting, and please join in.

Serendip Visitor's picture


Last night my boyfriend (who's had a rough week both at work and home) decided to have a few drinks. (I was later told around 4 or 5. He was drinking vodka if that matters. He's also on Zoloft and Adderall XR). He was sitting in his recliner listening to the same song over and over on repeat and he wasn't in a good mood so I decided to give him some alone time and I went into the bedroom to go on the computer. I was kind of annoyed that I'd been listening to the same song for over 2 hours when he came into the bedroom seeming totally awake and started peeing on the floor and in the laundry basket. I started yelling at him and asked him WTF he was doing and all he said was "Takin' a leak". His words were slurred but I thought he was just wasted. After he finished he stripped off his PJ pants and just stood there, butt-naked. I kept questioning him and I decided to try and take him to the shower to get him cleaned up but when I tried to take him by the arm he lashed out at me and told me not to touch him. He went into the living room, wrapped himself in a blanket and sat back down in his chair. Then he suddenly snapped out of it. I had no idea what was going on so I kept questioning him. Every time I told him that he'd peed on the floor he just said "No I didn't." It wasn't until he actually saw the aftermath that he believed me. Originally we'd thought he'd blacked out from too much to drink, although I had an inkling that he might have been sleepwalking. I typed it into my search engine and I found that sleep-peeing is more common than I thought, especially while intoxicated. However, I found out that in teens and children (He's 19, turning 20 next month) it can be caused by a need for attention from the mother and feeling neglected by their father. I was wondering if this would be a cause as well. He just recently found out that he'd been replaced at work by a guy the company made him train... and his mother had the audacity to b***h him out for something he had no control over.

I know that my boyfriend's childhood was FAR from a happy one. His father was an alcoholic and often beat his mother and 2 brothers. He was also raised in a very, very bad community. Some of his relatives actually had "pissing corners" in their houses.

Albeit being raised in that kind of community and having a crummy childhood, he's made every effort he can to try and "rise above" the way he was raised and he really has. This incident has made him extremely depressed and he's convinced that it makes him just like the rest of his family and that he's a complete disappointment. I've never ever seen him feel this depressed and hopeless before. Are there many cases of sleepwalkers being so depressed and ashamed of the actions they just aren't in control of? And how do we stop this from happening again? If anyone can PLEASE share a solution or even if you just have similar events happening to you please e-mail me.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I am interested to know more

I am interested to know more about what you have read about the link with the parents.

my email addy is

Serendip Visitor's picture

Every time my husband gets drunk he sleep pees....

im so glad that im not crazy!!! everytime my hubby gets drunk he always wakes up and pees on random ojects... our big screen, in our shoes, on the floor, in the washer, etc...i thought i was the only one that was dealing with this... and when hes doing it he is in total zombie mode, and in the morning remembers nothing. And as far as a reason for it being neglect from a father figure, that fits too, cuz my husbands father left when he was 3. hmmmm.... this is pretty crazy!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Husband pees in bed after only a few beers

Hi you are not alone my husband has only very recently started doing this after he has had literally a few beers, he say it was not him as he can't remember but the problem is I am almost 37 weeks pregnant and we thought my waters had gone the first time this happened a few weeks ago therefore I had to undergo a lot of testing in hospital....I was not amused to find out that it was not me after all as it happened again about 4 days later.... again after a few beers. that is all he ever has incase I need to go to hospital throught the night.

And yes it happened again last night it always happens in our bed never anywhere else, I would really like to know what is causing this after all these years...can anyone help.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleepwalking/peeing on the floor

Over the period of 7 months an not everytime I drink I wake up and pee on the floor right next to the bed. I have been intoxicated many times in my life and it never happened until 7 months ago. My fiancée always wakes up and steps in it and wakes me up screaming at me. A lot of times I wake up naked at the foot of the bed, when I knw I laid down at the head in my pjs. This has happened to me 4 or 5 times, and I have been caught n the act as well. I don't knw why I do it and I never remember doing it.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i once stayed at a friends

i once stayed at a friends house after a night out. he was in bed with hes gf and i was sleeping on the couch, i then walked upstairs and stripped off naked and tried to get in bed with them. my friend pushed me away and shouted at me, then i turned around and walked to he's cd system. i actually pushed eject before pissing all over he's system, it broke and so did my dignity.

Serendip Visitor's picture

drunk peeing

omg this exact situation happened to me with my boyfriend he just turned 20 and went out drinking and came home and fell asleep then got up and peed all over my alarm and i was hitting him to try and wake him but he just said hold on.... and i was yelling at him "NO YOU ARE PEEING ON MY FUCKING CARPET" and he layed right back down and passed out and when i told him he peed he said ya right no i didnt... what the hell is wrong with these boys

Serendip Visitor's picture

same thing

I woke up this morning after a night of partying and drinking heavily which I don't normally do (new years). My girlfriend tells me that around 3 in the morning I got up and stood by my computer for a long time moving stuff around. She also said that at the same time she thought someone was in the bathroom going pee because she heard water dripping. I told her she was probably dreaming and I went back to sleep. So I woke up a few hours later, got on my computer and wondered why my keyboard was soaking wet. It took me quite awhile to accept the fact that I had slept walked and peed on my own computer.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Drunk "SleepTalking"

Is anybody else making sexual comments to girls while drunk at partys or whatever? Ive done it at least three times now while their boyfriend was there. Then hear about it the next day. Very embarassing.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i do it all the time

every time i get REALLY REALLY drunk i sleepwalk. i'm pretty sure every time i do it i end up peeing. i've been on my friends face, soo not cool. then another time i was on a snowboarding trip and sleepwalked out into the hallway and peed outside of someone else's door! theres been more. its really bad though. i want to stop. its so embarrassing when i do it in front of guys! anyone have any tips?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Know how you feel.

I have been caught more than once peeing, on the laundry, in the corner, once I was in the bathroom when my GF said she came in to find me standing in front of the toilet pissing myself. Every time it happens I get REALLY depressed the next day and it takes a LONG time for me to be able to just let it go, I can never remember doing it! I think I just need to stop drinking so much or AT ALL before I get caught at a friends house or somewhere public like a hotel! Cause it will happen,it's just a matter of when.

So happy it's not just me though going through this. GL

Serendip Visitor's picture

same thing happens to me, and

same thing happens to me, and i have no idea how to stop it. i feel terrible about it!

Serendip Visitor's picture

At least 3 incidences of sleep-peeing ...

So the first time I did this I'd had a lot to drink, was sleeping in the bed of a guy I'd been seeing, then suddenly got up and peed on his floor, right next to the door of his bathroom (according to the guy, while he was yelling at me to just go to the toilet). The next time I'd also been drinking a lot, had blacked out and apparently been unfaithful to a boyfriend, then went back to my house. Sometime in the night I peed in my closet. I only know this because my closet smelled like piss the next morning. The third time occurred on a night I'd been drinking a lot, I was sleeping in my boyfriend's bed and got up, walked to his side of the bed and began taking off my pants and squatting. He was able somehow to convince me to go to the bathroom instead, so luckily his carpet doesn't smell like piss.

What the hell is going on here!!?? I only do this when I drink. Why do I only sleepwalk when I drink?? Is it even sleepwalking?

Serendip Visitor's picture

peeing on the floor

I have beein sleep walking since I was a young kid and still do as an adult. I have many embarrasing stories but the one thats on my mind tonight is not only embarrasing but sad. I have slept walked a many a nights at my boyfriends house and done some horrible thing while doing it. I never remember what happened come the next day. Recently I slept walked and uranated on his floor. He caught me in the act and left me there and didin't wake me. The next morning he was acting like he was mad at me so I asked what was up and he says to me "you don't remember peeing on my fucking floor last night"? Of corse I had no clue this had happened so I said no. Well all in all we broke up over this. I think it is so stupid for someone to be so mad over something you can not control. People that say they care about you should learn the fact before jumping to conclusions!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

thank god for this site. i

thank god for this site. i was staying at a hotel, got very drunk. remember going to bed. then next morning i wake up in the wrong room and bed covered in piss. the guy from the other room was held back from beating me, the cops were called but didnt take it too seriously and i was banned for life. afraid to drink again.

Serendip Visitor's picture

3 times!

Well let's see the first time I did it I was at a college visiting friends. Drank quite a bit and after a while blacked out. From what I was told the next day I got picked up by my girlfriend as I was walking and puking down the side walk. She took me back to her apartment where her roomates were having a party. I passed out on the couch and I guess stood up in front of everyone and pissed on the carpet. She was slapping me telling me to stop and I just stood and smiled until I was done. Woke up on the staircase of the aparment complex the next morning. The second time I was at a friends house about 6 months later. Walked into the back room and pissed all over the back room. My friend saw it and started throwing beer cans at me and getting really mad. I turned around and I honestly said "YOU'RE ON MY PISS LIST" although embarassing I still find it funny that I said that and didn't remember saying it 6 hours later. And I did again last night which led me to this site. Pissed all over my own house and on my roomates carpet. Let's just say I'll be lucky if I live here next month. I hope you enjoy my stories!

Serendip Visitor's picture

One too many

Can someone pls tell me why this bloody pissing phenomenon happens, i mean what is it that drives an individual at that point of time to behave like that, what the hell is the reasoning behind it, Is this a psychological problem?

Anonymous's picture

i have done it 2 times the

i have done it 2 times the first time on my wife.. and the second time on vacation in the hotel room on my father in law and his wife. Both times drinking and didnt know

Anonymous's picture

Well, I must admitt Its a


I must admitt Its a huge relief to read and find out that my boyfriend isnt the only one who sleepwalks drunk and pees. It has happened a total of four or five times in the year and a half weve been going out, and they have all been similar scenarios. The first time it happened he just got up took five steps and peed in one of our bedroom corners, went back to bed and I didnt say anything because I really couldnt believe what was happening I had only seen this type of stuff in movies. The second time he just got up on his knees on his bed and peed on it (we were on a trip sleeping in different beds thank god) we had a lot to drink the night before. The third, he got up took two steps and peed in a glass cup that was on the floor right next to the bed, I got up and said "What the f*** are you doing are you insane?!?!" and he said "Shut up you dont know what your talking about" and just got back into bed. The fourth which was last night he went to bed, with not even that many drinks on him and again got up went around the bed faced me and started to take his "hose" out so I started screaming at him attempting to wake him up and make him realize what he was about to do once again and he said "Gosh what is your problem" turned around went downstairs to the second floor storage room closed the door and peed there. After he just went right back up to the room and back to sleep. Today we have concluded that it has happened every time he has drank the night before, it makes sense that with a full bladder he would need to go to the bathroom and it makes sense that while being drunk and asleep he has no conscious judgement of where the toilett really is. I guess I couldve definately guided him to the bathroom last night, but I didnt think of it at the moment. Solutions? Def not drink as much or not drink anything for that matter if you want to make sure it wont happen again, peeing before going to sleep and leaving a bucket right by their bed JUST INCASE. I love my boyfriend and I dont want him to feel weird around me no matter what happens so its good to be able to talk it out and to try to find solutions =0). Goodluck and BE CAREFUL!

Anonymous's picture

Why me

So im not that weird then becouse ive pissed on many things when i drink and im totally clueless to my actions but the last time my computer and xbox got destroyed i dident even know i did it intill i turned on the xbox and it make electricty sounds and melted im am very very unhappy about it becouse i became aware that i was urinating when i drank its been over three months and it happend again!!!!!!

Anonymous's picture

I apparently woke up, walked

I apparently woke up, walked to a closet, opened it, and peed all over a down comforter. This was not my house. What to do? Should I tell them???

Serendip Visitor's picture

If you are close friends with

If you are close friends with them tell them. I did this type of thing at my best friends house all the time and she just laughed it off bc were best friends. But just recently at college this happened. I peed on the floor and made the mistake of telling my roommate. Lets just say I know have a single and am meeting with the dean of students bc she told on me. Be careful who you confess to is my advice.

Dave's picture

What a relief to see I'm not

What a relief to see I'm not the only one that's done this.

I downed two bottle of red last night and hit the sack.
I got up later, picked up the house phone and started to pee in it.
I am truly embarrased that it was my 18yr old daughter that woke me part way through.

Can I ever recover from this shame?

Anonymous's picture

I took all the the cloth out

I took all the the cloth out of the dryer took all my cloths off and peed on all the clean cloths. I've donr this 3 times now its freaking me out.

Anonymous's picture

sleep peeing

my boyfriend had about 4 drinks last night, he was a little drunk but not as bad as he has been before, and last night he got up went into my patents bedroom and sat on a cardboard box which had my dads laptop on it, he peed in the box and on the laptop! why has this happened?

AM's picture

sleep peeing

I am another inadvertant sleep pisser (on occassion, when I'm steaming). The worst one was the first time. At Uni, in halls, I slept walked into one of my new flat mates' rooms where he was asleep with his girlfriend (dating for about two weeks). Her clothes were also on his bed (a single bed) when I wandered in, got my lad out and pissed all over the bed, the clothes and the couple. I was awoken by my flat mate shouting at me and his girlfriend screaming. I got a punch in the face the following morning cause he thought I did it on purpose. Not the best way to start Uni. I got quite depressed about it at the time but now find it hilarious, I still sleep-piss when drunk now and again and think that its cause I worry about things sub-conciously. There is no rhyme nor reason to it though, my friends are aware that I do it on occasion and sleep with one eye open when I@m drunk and near..

Serendip Visitor's picture


Has anyone found any info on sleepwalking/drinking/peeing? This happens to me pretty frequently and I really want it to stop. If anyone has any info on how to stop it could you email me at

iggy's picture

This never happened to me

This never happened to me this year and it's happened twice. The first time I woke up at a buddy's house after a long night of drinking and pissed behind his speaker. The second time I was in my girlfriend's room and peed by her stereo equipment and behind the television! I was actually endangering myself because I was peeing extremely close to an electrical power strip and could have killed myself.

She woke up and slapped me a few times because she thought I was doing it on purpose; it ended up causing a fight. I didn't remember anything except for when I started to clean up the pee with my shirt.

All I can say is if it happens once, warn all future partners about it, and try not to electrocute yourself!

Anonymous's picture

sleep peeing

I think this is so funny. I had some drinks and went to bed. When I woke up, my boyfriend said I would be very embarassed. I guess I opened his drawer, popped a squat and peed. He was awake, he said I looked right at him. Then I grabbed some pj pants and threw them on the floor where the pee was dripping from the drawer. then I just crawled back into bed. I didn't even wipe with those pj pants.

My man was really mortified. He actually didn't fall back asleap all night. Just lay there wide eyed thinking about it. HA HA HA.

I've heard of this, but not with a girl.

Also, I woke up in just my panties. Normally I wear PJ, but no big deal.

Exept......turns out I walked into his younger brothers room (he's about 17), looked around, and left.

That kid got a show!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

I have done this before too.

I have done this before too. I have been so embarrassed by this and was glad to see that I am not the only one. The first time was when I was in high school and had a few too many to drink and pissed right on my bedroom floor. The second time happened just last night. My sister sat down on a chair and said that it was wet (this was right before she had to go to clas)! Well apparently her boyfriend woke up to me sitting on this chair at two this morning. And sure enough my pants were wet. I have no memory of sitting there nor my sisters boyfriend talking to me. I hate that this happens, but I can't stop it. And I can't deny it the next day either cuz someone always catches me in the act!

Anonymous's picture

i did the same thing and it

i did the same thing and it freaked me out when i found out about it. i was thinking i was losing my mind, but now i know others do it. last night i knocked my tv over and peed next to it and i guess i woke up my mom but she never came down stairs thank god! i have only done it 2 times, i think any way.

Anonymous's picture

sleep peeing...

for the past 2 days my husband has been asking me if i smell urine when i walk past the fridge... i did not.. he did,he said that he thinks a critter must be living in the wall and is repeatedly pissing in the same spot. i still did not smell the urine, and my sense of smell is amazing. well, tonight i made dinner for us, right before we sat down to eat i decided to bake some cookies... he preheated the oven for me, about 30 seconds into the preheat my husband and i were engulfed in the most disgusting, suffocating smell ever!!!! i had to evacuate the house and throw up in the yard! i came back in a bit later- he was on his knees scrubbing the oven. " i think i was sleep walking again and pissed in the oven!" " What makes you think that?" "There was a sizzling puddle in the oven." Grrrrrrr! We have had plenty of these instances but, this is byfar the nastiest ever!!!! i will start babylocking the oven and drawers again- and no we do not have children!

Anonymous's picture

Oh mann .. this happened to

Oh mann .. this happened to me over the weekend and i was completely freaking out.. i went out drinking, went to sleep and woke up without ne underwear on ... the weird thing is i later found them in my hamper .. i have NO recollection of this and this is the second or third time this has happened to me in the past month. I told my mom about it nd she just thinks its cuz i was drunk .. i dunno it weirded me out to not kno what i was doing ..Just happy to kno im not the only one that this has happened to.

drunk sleepwalk peeing's picture

the same thing has been

the same thing has been happening to me completely out of the blue. I always used to drink a lot and be fine, but lately ive been going to bed after drinking a lot, getting up and peeing on things and never remember a thing. I always wake up to my girlfriend telling me what i did, and shes getting pretty sick of it. I dont want to stop my drinking, but I think lessening it will be the only way of stopping it.

Mal's picture

drunk sleepwalking

a couple years bqck I got drunk at a friends hpuse. We locked everyone who was at the party out of the house and went to sleep and the next morning my pants were off. I fond them at the doorway to the bathroom and I guess I stepped out of them and sleptwalked. It just worried me that someone did something to me but I would have known I'm sure. Has anyone else taken clothes off while sleepwalking drunk?

Serendip Visitor's picture


i once left my bed took my pants off and used them for a pillow when i went back to sleep in the bath tub

Anonymous's picture

i have the same problem, it

i have the same problem, it started on my 21st birthday and ever since then whenever i black out i seem to find the next morning that i pissed somewhere (a tupperware drawer, waste basket, my carpet, the couch)... is there any hope??

Serendip Visitor's picture

yep. stop drinking.

yep. stop drinking.

Anonymous's picture


I have made my husband ashamed by peeing everywhere many times. i sleep walked as a kid my mum found me out side the the house. i have trouble sleeping. But when I get blind apparently I can't control myself I'm lucky my husband loves me. He woke up to me peeing on the chest and asked me to stop apparently I told him to shut up and turn the light off. He asked me if I cleaned it up the next day I had no idea what he was talking about. I just want to be normal.

Kristie's picture

Peeing Anywhere when sleeping walking

My husband had gotten up 3 times in the middle of the night and has peed in 3 different spots. 1 incedent he peed on our space heater, 2 he peed in the wood stove in the living room and just last night he peed in the trash can. He is stress out alot and he does drink, so the 3 times he has done that he has had stuff to drink and i dont think he was drunk. Can anyone tell me what causes this. thinking of asking the dr. anyone find out please email me. curiousity is killing me.

Anonymous's picture

Sleepwalking & Peeing

I have this problem. It has happened when I drank a lot as well as when I drank a moderate amount. I have a history of sleepwalking when I was young, but it went away apparently until I got old enough to drink. I'm a high stress individual. I don't show it much, but I worry about too many things. Sleepwalking/peeing only happens (to my knowledge) when I drink. My theory is that I go into an abnormally deep sleep. And, after drinking, the seal is broken, and you have to pee more frequently. What I've found is that focusing on sobering up, drinking less, and making sure to use the bathroom a couple times before bed helps. I think the best solution is to moderate the drinking which is good anyway & know that it will happen on occasion unless he stops drinking completely. We all have our quirks. :)

Serendip Visitor's picture

YAY! I love google! My boyfriend does this TOO!!

He has royaly broke my electronic and urinated on beds, floors, couchs, and more! How do I fix this. I can not take it anymore. please email me with any answers THANK YOU!! Please help I am ready to strangle him sometimes when he is in "zombie piss mode" LMAO

Thank you

Anonymous's picture

Oh my gosh! I am so glad

Oh my gosh! I am so glad other people have this quirk too!! Lately, whenever my fiance drinks enough to 'have a good buzz' he will sleep walk, and I have learned I must guide him to the toilet otherwise he will pee on something else!! I cant stand it!!! I thought it was just him, but other ppl do it too! Whew. I know when you sleepwalk, you SEE objects but your brain isn't awake to recognize the object, even seeing objects it doenst register to move them, or that it is a WALL!!! The funniest thing he never did this until he moved in with me!! So he doesn't believe he is doing it!!! I must capture it on video!! Then make him read this! Thanks guys!

puppies's picture

Sleep walking

I know someone who badly injured themsleves while sleepwalking. Put their handthrough a glass window.

As yet I still don't think she has found a cure, though her sleepwalking seems to relate to how anxious she is earlier in the day.

Anonymous's picture


recently while sleeping I jumped on my girlfriend and gave her an angry, threatening look, and aggressivly pointed my finger in her face three times. Like a very serious warning. She was scared and frozen with shock and just looked back at me. Then I jumped off. She said "what are you doing". I said "chasing the joint man". She said "chasing the joe man?". I laughed and said "no the joint man!". She said "do you know what you just did, you just jumped on top of me". I said "what". She repeated herself, then my eyes rolled back and I went back to sleep. Maybe six months ago, in the middle of the night, I ripped the blanket off her, leaned over her and angrily said "what did you say". Again she was frightened and replied "I didn't say anything, I think you're dreaming". and I rolled over and went back to sleep. I'm 25 now and when I was younger (8-12) I slept walked next door and knocked on their door, once I woke up in a different room, I woke up without my blanket and it was in the bathroom and would sometimes try to go to the toilet in odd places, but mum would stop me. I figured the early stuff was quite normal but the more recent actions have me worried. I cant remember anything and never have. Obviously I'm not acting like that towards her but I fear that I might act out a more violent dream and hurt her. This case seems different to others I have read, as others don't involve acting on someone else. With the most recent sleeping drama she said she had just been wriggling and she thought I must have been angry at her. Maybe when I feel her next to me she becomes a part of my dream? I don't know??? Just now as I typed that last sentence I remember a bit of the dream I was having. All I can remember is I was chasing someone, don't know why or who but it was for a good reason. Then someone got in my way accidently and knocked me over, can't remember who. Maybe that's when she was wriggling? Then I remember being angry he got away and angry at the person who got in my way. That's all I remember. I know the person I was chasing did something terrible. At least now I know writing about it can bring a bit of the memory back. What can I do? What should I do? Am I a danger? Is this sleep walking or something else more psychological? Thanks for reading this and look forward to some ideas

admin's picture

prior postings in this forum

Prior postings in this forum can be found HERE. We've had to move to a moderated area to protect ourselves from spammers.
Anonymous's picture

Night terrors

My experience has shown that despite the source (night terrors, etc.), the manifestation of the source results in the sleepwalking-- for sleepwalkers, that is. Too much stress, too much alcohol, too little sleep, night terrors and depression have all been sources (impetuses, if you will) of my sleepwalking. My own (very informal) research has led to me to one conclusion: sleepwalkers tend to be sensitive-- uber-sensitive ("uber" meaning "the best kind"). Therefore, any time a sleepwalker is incensed, or over-stimulated, he/she tends to manifest that stimulation through sleepwalking.

I agree, if the source of the night terrors are lessened, the sleepwalking will also be lessoned. But what causes one to have night terrors in the first place? Obviously the same thing that causes one to sleepwalk.

I have been through counseling and to the church. I have read each message posted on this page 1,000 times-- I can relate to most of them (thankfully, I am NOT a peer). I am the most coherent of the sleepwalking family: I remember 90% of what I do in my walking episodes. And I am always frustrated the next morning when I recall and recount how little muscle control I had when my brain control was so strong and intact. . . it just doesn't make sense.

One thing I've found is true: the less stressful my life, the less I walk. Therefore, I do all things within my power to reduce the stress in my life: eat, exercise, pray, forgive, forget, and most of all, love.

Here's hoping that we'll never meet naked late one night while peeing on our neighbor's porch plants. Forgive yourself, forgive the world; everything will be okay-- that is, if that is the way you want it to be.

Cheers and peace to you, my secret family. . . .

Until we meet again. . . .

Anonymous's picture


Last night, I apparently "woke up" and started reading dvd's, then tossing them around the room. Next I walked over to the couch and started peeing on it. My girlfriend saw the whole thing and she's trying to tell me it's normal. Is it?

Suse's picture

sleepwalking college friend

My friend, a girl who lives on my dorm floor, sleep walks and pees. Last night she came into my room and peed all over my purse, my chair and floor!! I was so pissed off! It was helpful to find this site and know that other people are stuggling with friends/family members who have the same problem. The only thing I'm not seeing on the site is what can be done to stop it??? It seems like drinking is a factor, but my friend only had two drinks and was not anywhere near the limit. Please email me if you have any medical information on this: Thanks.

Jeff's picture

drunk sleepwalking

I have recently noticed now that i am in college that when i drink to the absolute limits i sleepwalk and pee in my room. This has happenned numerous times and once i was even with a girl and i pissed in her trash can. I dont want to change my drinking habits, but obviously i would love to stop peeing. I do not remember a single incident, all that i know is from what my two roomates tell me. Please email me with any possible solutions my email is