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3 times!

Well let's see the first time I did it I was at a college visiting friends. Drank quite a bit and after a while blacked out. From what I was told the next day I got picked up by my girlfriend as I was walking and puking down the side walk. She took me back to her apartment where her roomates were having a party. I passed out on the couch and I guess stood up in front of everyone and pissed on the carpet. She was slapping me telling me to stop and I just stood and smiled until I was done. Woke up on the staircase of the aparment complex the next morning. The second time I was at a friends house about 6 months later. Walked into the back room and pissed all over the back room. My friend saw it and started throwing beer cans at me and getting really mad. I turned around and I honestly said "YOU'RE ON MY PISS LIST" although embarassing I still find it funny that I said that and didn't remember saying it 6 hours later. And I did again last night which led me to this site. Pissed all over my own house and on my roomates carpet. Let's just say I'll be lucky if I live here next month. I hope you enjoy my stories!


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