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recently while sleeping I jumped on my girlfriend and gave her an angry, threatening look, and aggressivly pointed my finger in her face three times. Like a very serious warning. She was scared and frozen with shock and just looked back at me. Then I jumped off. She said "what are you doing". I said "chasing the joint man". She said "chasing the joe man?". I laughed and said "no the joint man!". She said "do you know what you just did, you just jumped on top of me". I said "what". She repeated herself, then my eyes rolled back and I went back to sleep. Maybe six months ago, in the middle of the night, I ripped the blanket off her, leaned over her and angrily said "what did you say". Again she was frightened and replied "I didn't say anything, I think you're dreaming". and I rolled over and went back to sleep. I'm 25 now and when I was younger (8-12) I slept walked next door and knocked on their door, once I woke up in a different room, I woke up without my blanket and it was in the bathroom and would sometimes try to go to the toilet in odd places, but mum would stop me. I figured the early stuff was quite normal but the more recent actions have me worried. I cant remember anything and never have. Obviously I'm not acting like that towards her but I fear that I might act out a more violent dream and hurt her. This case seems different to others I have read, as others don't involve acting on someone else. With the most recent sleeping drama she said she had just been wriggling and she thought I must have been angry at her. Maybe when I feel her next to me she becomes a part of my dream? I don't know??? Just now as I typed that last sentence I remember a bit of the dream I was having. All I can remember is I was chasing someone, don't know why or who but it was for a good reason. Then someone got in my way accidently and knocked me over, can't remember who. Maybe that's when she was wriggling? Then I remember being angry he got away and angry at the person who got in my way. That's all I remember. I know the person I was chasing did something terrible. At least now I know writing about it can bring a bit of the memory back. What can I do? What should I do? Am I a danger? Is this sleep walking or something else more psychological? Thanks for reading this and look forward to some ideas


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