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Last night my boyfriend (who's had a rough week both at work and home) decided to have a few drinks. (I was later told around 4 or 5. He was drinking vodka if that matters. He's also on Zoloft and Adderall XR). He was sitting in his recliner listening to the same song over and over on repeat and he wasn't in a good mood so I decided to give him some alone time and I went into the bedroom to go on the computer. I was kind of annoyed that I'd been listening to the same song for over 2 hours when he came into the bedroom seeming totally awake and started peeing on the floor and in the laundry basket. I started yelling at him and asked him WTF he was doing and all he said was "Takin' a leak". His words were slurred but I thought he was just wasted. After he finished he stripped off his PJ pants and just stood there, butt-naked. I kept questioning him and I decided to try and take him to the shower to get him cleaned up but when I tried to take him by the arm he lashed out at me and told me not to touch him. He went into the living room, wrapped himself in a blanket and sat back down in his chair. Then he suddenly snapped out of it. I had no idea what was going on so I kept questioning him. Every time I told him that he'd peed on the floor he just said "No I didn't." It wasn't until he actually saw the aftermath that he believed me. Originally we'd thought he'd blacked out from too much to drink, although I had an inkling that he might have been sleepwalking. I typed it into my search engine and I found that sleep-peeing is more common than I thought, especially while intoxicated. However, I found out that in teens and children (He's 19, turning 20 next month) it can be caused by a need for attention from the mother and feeling neglected by their father. I was wondering if this would be a cause as well. He just recently found out that he'd been replaced at work by a guy the company made him train... and his mother had the audacity to b***h him out for something he had no control over.

I know that my boyfriend's childhood was FAR from a happy one. His father was an alcoholic and often beat his mother and 2 brothers. He was also raised in a very, very bad community. Some of his relatives actually had "pissing corners" in their houses.

Albeit being raised in that kind of community and having a crummy childhood, he's made every effort he can to try and "rise above" the way he was raised and he really has. This incident has made him extremely depressed and he's convinced that it makes him just like the rest of his family and that he's a complete disappointment. I've never ever seen him feel this depressed and hopeless before. Are there many cases of sleepwalkers being so depressed and ashamed of the actions they just aren't in control of? And how do we stop this from happening again? If anyone can PLEASE share a solution or even if you just have similar events happening to you please e-mail me.


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