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sleep peeing

I think this is so funny. I had some drinks and went to bed. When I woke up, my boyfriend said I would be very embarassed. I guess I opened his drawer, popped a squat and peed. He was awake, he said I looked right at him. Then I grabbed some pj pants and threw them on the floor where the pee was dripping from the drawer. then I just crawled back into bed. I didn't even wipe with those pj pants.

My man was really mortified. He actually didn't fall back asleap all night. Just lay there wide eyed thinking about it. HA HA HA.

I've heard of this, but not with a girl.

Also, I woke up in just my panties. Normally I wear PJ, but no big deal.

Exept......turns out I walked into his younger brothers room (he's about 17), looked around, and left.

That kid got a show!!!


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