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Well, I must admitt Its a


I must admitt Its a huge relief to read and find out that my boyfriend isnt the only one who sleepwalks drunk and pees. It has happened a total of four or five times in the year and a half weve been going out, and they have all been similar scenarios. The first time it happened he just got up took five steps and peed in one of our bedroom corners, went back to bed and I didnt say anything because I really couldnt believe what was happening I had only seen this type of stuff in movies. The second time he just got up on his knees on his bed and peed on it (we were on a trip sleeping in different beds thank god) we had a lot to drink the night before. The third, he got up took two steps and peed in a glass cup that was on the floor right next to the bed, I got up and said "What the f*** are you doing are you insane?!?!" and he said "Shut up you dont know what your talking about" and just got back into bed. The fourth which was last night he went to bed, with not even that many drinks on him and again got up went around the bed faced me and started to take his "hose" out so I started screaming at him attempting to wake him up and make him realize what he was about to do once again and he said "Gosh what is your problem" turned around went downstairs to the second floor storage room closed the door and peed there. After he just went right back up to the room and back to sleep. Today we have concluded that it has happened every time he has drank the night before, it makes sense that with a full bladder he would need to go to the bathroom and it makes sense that while being drunk and asleep he has no conscious judgement of where the toilett really is. I guess I couldve definately guided him to the bathroom last night, but I didnt think of it at the moment. Solutions? Def not drink as much or not drink anything for that matter if you want to make sure it wont happen again, peeing before going to sleep and leaving a bucket right by their bed JUST INCASE. I love my boyfriend and I dont want him to feel weird around me no matter what happens so its good to be able to talk it out and to try to find solutions =0). Goodluck and BE CAREFUL!


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