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sleep peeing

I am another inadvertant sleep pisser (on occassion, when I'm steaming). The worst one was the first time. At Uni, in halls, I slept walked into one of my new flat mates' rooms where he was asleep with his girlfriend (dating for about two weeks). Her clothes were also on his bed (a single bed) when I wandered in, got my lad out and pissed all over the bed, the clothes and the couple. I was awoken by my flat mate shouting at me and his girlfriend screaming. I got a punch in the face the following morning cause he thought I did it on purpose. Not the best way to start Uni. I got quite depressed about it at the time but now find it hilarious, I still sleep-piss when drunk now and again and think that its cause I worry about things sub-conciously. There is no rhyme nor reason to it though, my friends are aware that I do it on occasion and sleep with one eye open when I@m drunk and near..


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