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peeing on the floor

I have beein sleep walking since I was a young kid and still do as an adult. I have many embarrasing stories but the one thats on my mind tonight is not only embarrasing but sad. I have slept walked a many a nights at my boyfriends house and done some horrible thing while doing it. I never remember what happened come the next day. Recently I slept walked and uranated on his floor. He caught me in the act and left me there and didin't wake me. The next morning he was acting like he was mad at me so I asked what was up and he says to me "you don't remember peeing on my fucking floor last night"? Of corse I had no clue this had happened so I said no. Well all in all we broke up over this. I think it is so stupid for someone to be so mad over something you can not control. People that say they care about you should learn the fact before jumping to conclusions!!


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