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Night terrors

My experience has shown that despite the source (night terrors, etc.), the manifestation of the source results in the sleepwalking-- for sleepwalkers, that is. Too much stress, too much alcohol, too little sleep, night terrors and depression have all been sources (impetuses, if you will) of my sleepwalking. My own (very informal) research has led to me to one conclusion: sleepwalkers tend to be sensitive-- uber-sensitive ("uber" meaning "the best kind"). Therefore, any time a sleepwalker is incensed, or over-stimulated, he/she tends to manifest that stimulation through sleepwalking.

I agree, if the source of the night terrors are lessened, the sleepwalking will also be lessoned. But what causes one to have night terrors in the first place? Obviously the same thing that causes one to sleepwalk.

I have been through counseling and to the church. I have read each message posted on this page 1,000 times-- I can relate to most of them (thankfully, I am NOT a peer). I am the most coherent of the sleepwalking family: I remember 90% of what I do in my walking episodes. And I am always frustrated the next morning when I recall and recount how little muscle control I had when my brain control was so strong and intact. . . it just doesn't make sense.

One thing I've found is true: the less stressful my life, the less I walk. Therefore, I do all things within my power to reduce the stress in my life: eat, exercise, pray, forgive, forget, and most of all, love.

Here's hoping that we'll never meet naked late one night while peeing on our neighbor's porch plants. Forgive yourself, forgive the world; everything will be okay-- that is, if that is the way you want it to be.

Cheers and peace to you, my secret family. . . .

Until we meet again. . . .


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