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At least 3 incidences of sleep-peeing ...

So the first time I did this I'd had a lot to drink, was sleeping in the bed of a guy I'd been seeing, then suddenly got up and peed on his floor, right next to the door of his bathroom (according to the guy, while he was yelling at me to just go to the toilet). The next time I'd also been drinking a lot, had blacked out and apparently been unfaithful to a boyfriend, then went back to my house. Sometime in the night I peed in my closet. I only know this because my closet smelled like piss the next morning. The third time occurred on a night I'd been drinking a lot, I was sleeping in my boyfriend's bed and got up, walked to his side of the bed and began taking off my pants and squatting. He was able somehow to convince me to go to the bathroom instead, so luckily his carpet doesn't smell like piss.

What the hell is going on here!!?? I only do this when I drink. Why do I only sleepwalk when I drink?? Is it even sleepwalking?


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