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Early in the morning

It is very early in the morning and me and my friend came back to his house after the bar. He passed out on his kitchen bar and after 3-hours of being passed out began to slowly revive himself from his hunched state. I assumed he was waking up, but he ended up coming around to the bar (the side i am on the computer at) and pulled up one the stools like a toilet seat and proceeded to pee all over it, for a very very long time.
My first reaction was "What the F*** dude?" to which he replied, sorry dude. After he was done peeing I said "What the F, you just peed all over the floor and toilet stool!"
He giggled and said yeah right... Which is when I realized his eyes were closed the entire time. He turned around ate a ton of food out of the fridge and then passed back out.. It was very amusing.


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