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Sleep Peeing, I'm not alone, but how do i fix this?

It's a relief to read all these comments and the similarities. If I drink a lot, I will often either wake somewhere in my place, that's not my bed or stumble upon a puddle wondering what the? Generally the two go together, too much drinking and a late night puddle.
Of late I seem to wake my flatmate, with him hearing me walk up and down the stairs, looking for the bathroom, but i have an ensuite?. He investigate and checks on me, he’ll talk to me and almost have a conversation, but I have no recollection, I’ve almost got a reputation for sleep peeing/sleepwalking now and I don’t like it one bit. I’ve sleep pee’d in my chest of draws, on my laptop, floor, in my luggage on holidays (not good) and in my bed.
I did have bed wetting issues as a child, and it was not a good experience, but I did grow out of it. It sort of made a brief reappearance at 30 and now again at 38? I’m certain that for me, it’s the amount I drink and how long I’m at it. I hate drunken sleep peeing or sleep walking and waking up in a friend couch or floor, totally naked. Need to do more research to see if there is something the stop it.
I know the reality, stop or slow down drinking, but I’d like to have fun still, but not the embarrassment.


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