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DRINK and PEE No DRINK and PEE again? whattt????? nooo!

i peed on my monitor last night, ive been drinking alot past these months, like heavy drinking,

and now im in the quitting process

, but last night i was sober from alcohol! wtf

i just smoked some pot which im quitting too along with ciggarettes, right now i feel pretty depressed in life ,and this multi quitting process is making it harder, and i keep on slipping but im getting there, but yesterday before i peed on my monitor i had some tequila in the daytime , not much like 4 shots and then nothing till 3am which is about wwhen i passed out after smoking a blunt of kush (pot), but previous to that ive been drinking alott, my dad and his dad was alcoholics and im only 23 and im almost certain and aware that its in my genes, that is why im battling.

but holy s*&t !!!! the sleepwalking thing scared me today more than ever because its 3rd day in a row im peeing on my office desk...... and to mention i was sober last night before bed, im scared, from reading these comments im quitting alcohol for good because this is really embarrasing and will not be tolerated by most normal people like my gf ..... if she finds out unless she allready knows ...

just for the record I sleep walked when i was a child ALOT , i would walk around and when i made face contact i smiled with my parents, no recollection obviously... then when i first started drinking alot after high school i started rearranging and fixing random objects around my house, my grandma at one point thought it was her husbands spirit.....i didnt say anything because she thought the same spirit was drinking her alcohol from the cabinet that was me but i was not i never told her ...yeah im an ass.... but i replaced the bottles :)

anyways so im sure everyone has their own life story and habits but it seems like my story is pretty consistant , alcohol clearly screws you in a bad way and makes you do things that are not under your control, which should freak the hell out of most people.

one thing is not answered to me is why did i still peed on my monitor even after 12 hours of not drinking....must be something more to this, it has to be something psychological, i really pray its just the alcohol, if its not , well then , this sucks.

so I suggest to STOP drinking and go to a freaking AA meeting or NA, cuz im thinking i should.

Ill bookmark this page so i will come back and post a follow up on what happened , and i hope it helps , obviously there are many of us with questions on why this is happening and how it can be stopped. today is June 10, i will come back here tommorow.


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