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sleepwalking and peeing

I have been on nights for 3 weeks now and friday was my first night off in ages. I drank at least 4 glasses of wine and around 7 bottles of weak lager. I went to bed after my dinner and got up in the morning to my BF in a real mood with me I was unsure as to why he was being funny and then he said do you remember peeing on the stairs? I said what are you talking about I was in bed all night. When he asked me and I was asleep I replied " I am Pissing what do you think I am doing"! I then walked downstairs and peed on the floor in the lounge went back up and got into bed. I am so embarassed but have put it down too the alcohol. I am not a heavy drinker but this has really worried me I am 33 with 2 young kids and thought imagine if they had seen me...


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