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Sleep pissing - a first for me!

As far as I know, last night was my 2nd sleepwalking experience in 4 months. I was really really drunk both times. The first was in a hotel (unfamiliar surroundings).
This morning my boyfriend asks me how much of last night I remember - I asked if there was something I should remember... he says, "you don't remember pissing on the bedroom floor???""
I am glad there are other females on here who have pissed in their sleep - but I didn't even squat!! I stood straight up holding the door frame and just let loose according to him. This was after rummaging around in the room for a while and him trying to lead me back to bed with me telling him that "this isn't the way back to bed"....

Is it just that I was SO drunk AND in unfamiliar surroundings? Have any other females pissed while standing up???? I'm more than a little freaked out by this fact!!
I need to seriously not binge drink any more!


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