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Mortified by this sleep peeing

I'm stunned to learn this is more common than I thought. I've witnessed my husband do this three times so far. The first time was a couple years ago on a chair outside our bedroom door. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I thought it was a random bizarre one time thing. Now in the last month, he's done it two more times. Once in our closet and then last night, in the floor by the bathroom vanity. Each time, I'm up in the middle of the night trying to clean it up. I've never told him he's done this, but I think it's time I do. He obviously remembers nothing. I notice the running theme here with everyone who does this is that they've been drinking alcohol. He works hard and is a good provider, but he's basically a functioning alcoholic from a family of alcoholics. He drinks anywhere from 8 to 10 beers each evening while chilling in his "man cave", but apparently he doesn't see this as a problem. He travels alot for work, so lord knows what he's done in hotel rooms. He needs to face drinking issues. Is this a preview of things to come?


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