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Naked drunken sleep walking...

i woke up the other morning completely naked, knowing i had gone to bed in underwear... i looked around my room and couldn't see my clothing so i decided after having similar things like it happen before with sleepwalking, to go have a look at least for my knickers! i found them on the stairs soaking wet...luckily before the rest of the house was up... im just praying to god it was after they had gone to sleep and none of the 7 people i live with saw me wondering around naked... i havent yet heard anything but im not staying there for a couple of nights until the embarassment im feeling has died down a little.... luckily i couldnt find a piss patch hoping no one else did...i don't know wether to ask or not???

the week before i went to the toilet right in the middle of my floor...
a time before that i found my top in the hall (luckily i still had my pants on!)
and 2 times way before that, i have attempted to climb out of windows, one time to wee out of it, the other cause i was convinced a taxi was outside it waiting for me.....

i seem to have quite a bad problem... all times have been when im drinking but never as pissed as i have been at times...needless to say im cutting it down.


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