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Thank god my roommate is nice...

So its my first fall semester in college and the first night in my new dorm I ended up in my suite mates bed across the hall. I was really drunk and have no recollection of getting up out of my own bed, crossing through the bathroom and passing out in his bed. He came home about 4:30AM and spent 5 minutes trying to wake me up. I finally opened my eyes, realized I was not in my room, and stumbled back to my own bed in my underwear... That was kind of funny so I just dismissed it as a drunken mishap. However, last night I hit an all time low. Once again, I came home drunk and passed out in my bed. Apparently I woke up in the middle of the night, opened my roommates drawer and pissed in it... I proceeded to tap the foot of his bed (probably looking for the flusher on what I must have thought was the toilet). I've never slept walk before sober or drunk and now I'm freaking out. I spent $25 restocking my roommates food drawer and thank god he's a nice kid because I would've flipped out if someone did that to me. Any solutions? Because this crap cannot happen again!


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