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Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving humanity: towards a "third way"

Rationality and social wisdom/cohesion clearly play important roles in inquiry, in education, and in human affairs generally.  But there are problems with relying on either alone, and with the two in combination as well.

anneliese's picture

Seeing Voices

Brought to you by The Slippery Brain Sodality

(page under construction...)

Paul Grobstein's picture

Lecture/Discussion Notes Addendum

Biology 103, Fall, 2009, Bryn Mawr College
rae's picture

Queer Activism Does Not Mean Gay Marriage

Felice Picano and Gay Marriage

Paul Grobstein's picture

Replacing blame with generosity in classrooms, inquiry, and culture

Interesting conversation this morning growing out of, among other things, "The Design of Learning Environments," Chapter 6 of How People Learn, together with some college student comparisons of experiences in their own courses with observations of elementary school classes at a local K-6 Quaker school.  The upshot was, for me at least, a clearer understanding of what one needs to do to create not only more effective learning environments in classrooms but more humane exchange environments generally.

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