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Brie Stark's picture

Thoughts on Emergent Pedagogy

Thoughts on Emergent Pedagogy
Analysis of “Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive,”
authors: Anna Dalke, Kim Cassidy, Paul Grobstein, Doug Blank

Brie Stark's picture

Neuroanthropology: Brain Enculturing

Neuroanthropology: Brain Enculturing
 Through the lens of the Capoeira Angola  


What does reality look like?


What would "reality" look like outside the brain?:
Variations in Perception and their Significance

Rica Dela Cruz's picture

From Ancient Storytelling, to Books, and Then to Films

Just as the oral version of telling stories has evolved over thousands of years since Homo sapiens came along, the invention of the alphabet and the development of written words have since evolved into written short stories and novels. Like the evolution of organisms, gradually, over thousands of years, human communication and the transmission of stories (and now knowledge) have continued to evolve.

Brie Stark's picture

The Concept of Disability, or, 'perceiving our differences'

The Concept of Disability

Or, perceiving our differences 


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