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Evolution and Literature Web Paper 3

themword's picture

Laughter Beyond Resilience - Webpaper #3

Marni Klein

Professor Dalke


10 May 2011

Dawn's picture

Literature as Reality and Reality as Literature

The stories read and generated from literature, and the stories understood as pertaining to one’s perception of reality are separate ideas in one’s mind the majority of the time. There have been discussions in class about the blurring of the line between these stories: losing oneself in a novel, or imagining elements of a story in a book coming to life. However, even though the line may be crossed, it is still there. We are well aware of our ability to be lost in a novel – we know what is “actually happening” and that what is imagined is not real. It can also be jarring when one recognizes moments when the mind cannot just take off and “escape” reality by reading a book. This was a common observation regarding the style of Richard Powers’ Generosity.

skindeep's picture

movies vs novels

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ajohnston's picture

The Expanding Presence of Film in Education

Audrey Johnston
Professor Dalke & Professor Grobstein
Web Project #3
April 15, 2011

The Expanding Presence of Film In Education

rachelr's picture

My words fly up, my thoughts remain below

See video

            Who is Hamlet? Enigmatic, philosophical, contemplative, obsessive, rash, impulsive, melancholy, discontented, the Prince of Denmark has returned home from his studies in lieu of his father’s death and his mother’s swift marriage to his uncle. Here he encounters the ghost of his father, learns the depth of his uncle’s treachery, and resolves to exact revenge. Hamlet plays out his acts under the guise of madness, spurred on to end the lives of others who have wronged him and his father, while being singularly focused on self-preservation. Yet Hamlet is obsessed with his own problems only in personal and philosophical terms, musing over the meaning of life but ignoring the forces of Norway fast approaching Denmark.

See video
cwalker's picture

Evolution of Genres in Latin American Literature: The Birth of the Testimonio (Testimonial Narrative)

Coral A. Walker

April 15, 2011


Webpaper #3


Evolution of Genres in Latin American Literature:

The Birth of the Testimonio (Testimonial Narrative)


dfishervan's picture

A Story is a Story is a Story?

Storytelling has played an integral role in human life and for centuries, the printed book served as the primary means for capturing and transmitting these stories. The quest for technological advances also suffuses society and has expanded the number of mediums available for delivering a story. My “Stories of Evolution” course has been examining the evolution of literature and more recently, has focused on the effects of communicating a written story via film. Our class has neglected to discuss the impact of literary technologies such as audio books and ereaders, that preserve all of the word choices of the author in the storytelling experience.

hope's picture

Lessons from Bertha

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”


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