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mpottash's picture

Inclusive Curriculums: A Case Study

Thucydides, one ofthe earliest historians, built his historical studies around the “politicaltower”, which dealt with the study of “great men, the church, government, [and]politics” (Arnold 33, 41).  Writingthousands of years after Thucydides, in her essay “Interactive Phases ofCurricular Perspective”, Peggy McIntosh proposes different ways to studyhistory.  Using the refinement ofwomen’s role within the discipline of history as an example of ways in which tomake curriculum’s more inclusive, McIntosh notes five stages of curriculumdevelopment, which range from women being left out of history, to women (andeveryone) being included in history (McIntosh 3).

sarina's picture

Rethinking the Haverford College Chemistry Department: Curriculum and Teaching Methods

This paper is an exploration of changing the Haverford chemistry reuqirements for a major form a feminist perspective. It is an experiment!
skumar's picture

Meaning of Words More Significant in Overall Comprehension: An Experiment


Meanings of words more significant than sounds in overall comprehension of text


Sonal Kumar, 2008



hpolak's picture

Sex Tourism and Prostitution in Thailand

Hilary Polak
Intro to Critical Feminist Studies
November 11, 2008

Sex Tourism and Prostitution in Thailand

Notes Towards Day 21: Curricular Revision

Notes Towards Day 21 of
Critical Feminist Studies:
What Should a Feminist Curriculum Look Like?

Original illustration for Little Women

I. Naming

II. Peggy McIntosh in TGH, 7:30 tonight on
"coming to see privilege systems"
Charlie_C's picture

The Albanian Sworn Virgins

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