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Paul Grobstein's blog

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Getting acquainted ...

Welcome. Glad you stopped by. This isn't so much a "blog" as a place for me (and you if you're interested) to keep track of what I'm currently up to on Serendip. In reverse chronological order below are teasers to things I'm thinking about that are relatively well developed. Click on them for more details, and to get to forum areas where you can add thoughts to help both of us think more.

(See also read more, posting responses, other Exchange creations, my Serendip home page)

Paul Grobstein's picture

Science as Story Telling: Issues Arisen and Arising

Notes and forum related to discussion at a Tri-co Science Studies Group meeting, 16 November 2010


Starting place:

Paul Grobstein (2005) Revisiting science in culture: science as story telling and story revising.  Journal of Research Practice 1 (1), Article M1


Paul Grobstein's picture

Genes, evolution, science education, and science

"One well-known path to change is a heavily favorable mutation in a single gene. But it may be well known only because it is easy to study. Another path is exploitation of mildly favorable differences that already exist in many genes ... Theorists have argued over this point for years, but researchers have been able to address it only recently." ... Natural selection cuts broad swath through fruit fly genome, New York Times, 20 September, 2010

Paul Grobstein's picture

Thinking more about depression as "adaptive"

""I suspect there are features of the higher order organization of neurons that need to be included among the "underlying rules" to achieve a better understanding of depression, both conceptually and for therapeutic purposes."  ... PG, An expanded neurobiology of depression, June, 2009

Paul Grobstein's picture

Science and story telling, updated

Twenty or so years ago, when my kids were in elementary school, I visited a class to talk about my profession.  I said I was a scientist, and asked the class if they knew what a scientist was.  "Its somebody who knows things," one student said.  No, I said, its somebody who knows what we don't know and asks new questions based on that.

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Plagiarism, intellectual property, and creative story construction

I don't doubt that "plagiarism" is a persistent problem that is exacerbated in the "digital age" (see Plagiarism lines blur for students in digitial age).  I do think though that it is worth noticing that there are two somewhat different issues at stake in thinking about "plagiarism," and to highlight, particularly in educational contexts, the one that often gets less attention.

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Inception, the Constitution, education, and life itself

Interesting intersection this weekend of thoughts from an ongoing summer institute with K12 teachers on Brain, Science, Inquiry, and Education, from seeing Christopher Nolan's new movie Inception, and from a visit to the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

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The Story of Science (updated lecture notes)


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Facilitating exchange: science and ...

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William James: Getting Here from There

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