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Biology 103 course

Paul Grobstein's picture

Lecture/Discussion Notes Addendum

Biology 103, Fall, 2009, Bryn Mawr College
Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Lab Rosters

Biology 103
Fall 2009, Bryn Mawr College

Lab Rosters


Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Lecture/Discussion Notes

Biology 103, Fall, 2009, Bryn Mawr College
Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Lab Reports

Biology 103
Fall 2009, Bryn Mawr College

Lab Paper Assignment

I haven't written a lab report for about 5 years now, and I assume what you expect is a bit different than my high school chemistry teacher who gave me extra credit for drawing chemistry-inspired illustrations. How many paragraphs in each section? What do I do in the discussion? Do I quote the book?

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Writing Assignments

Biology 103
Fall 2009, Bryn Mawr College

Writing Assignments

The objective of these assignments is to give you the opportunity to explore/learn about topics in biology of particular interest to you, and for you to further develop your skills in

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Schedule

Biology 103
Fall 2009, Bryn Mawr College

Course Schedule



Lecture/Discussion Session

Lab Session

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Syllabus

Biology 103
Fall 2009, Bryn Mawr College

Course Information

Instructor: Paul Grobstein
Room 111, 526-5098,

Laboratory Instructor: Wil Franklin
Room 210, 526-5090,

Website: /exchange/courses/bio103/f09/home

Learning objectives:

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