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Albers         Teresa                                     Overbrook Elementary

Bernadine Dancy's picture

Fun for young kids


In class as I was looking through the web site, I came across games and puzzles. As I search the web today I found alot of educational games for young children. Please click here to see what I found.Please click here to see a netlogo project I worked on. When given the correct command, the fireworks will explode.l

Sage Hunter's picture

Using student output

I found the discussion on the importance of using students’ output to affect your teaching and their learning quite useful. It is often falsely presumed that we are to be solely influencing our students in the classroom, but in reality, if we’re not being influenced by our students’ output, then we are not teaching to our full potential. The reason we give students tests, projects, homework and any other kind of assessment is to receive feedback from their performance that we then use to judge their understanding. If they are not performing up to par, we should then use that data to analyze what areas they need help in or what topics we should cover again.
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