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Bernadine Dancy's blog

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Computor program for class

Scratch is a computer program in which when given a set of commands Scratch will respond. I will use this computer program in my classroom as a word recognition activity. In this activity Scratch responds to the question,WHAT IS THIS? with a picture and multiple-choice answers. When the correct answer is pressed or selected, the voice along with the word says good job! If the answer is incorrect the word oops! will appear.
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Fun for young kids


In class as I was looking through the web site, I came across games and puzzles. As I search the web today I found alot of educational games for young children. Please click here to see what I found.Please click here to see a netlogo project I worked on. When given the correct command, the fireworks will explode.l

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Introduction To Bernadine Dancy

My name is Bernadine Dancy, I am a first grade teacher. I love reading and writing activities for young children. My goal is to help parents with additional activities on reading and writing. I enjoy working with inner city children to enhance their learning abilities to promote higher acheivement.

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