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kbrown's picture

Gender and Sexuality Differences in the Brain

Gender and Sexuality Differences in the Brain:Should we study them?

Kara BrownApril 21, 2008            

Paul Grobstein's picture

Serendip. open-ended public conversation, blogging?

Serendip as Facilitator of Open-ended Public Conversation
and its relevance for
Thinking About Blogging, Literature, and Human Well-Being

Paul Grobstein
Prepared for discussion in Emerging Genres, 24 April 2005

Aspirations, successes, challenges (1994-2005), and update

Christina Harview's picture

Seeking Out the Uncomfortable

Hello, reader. Today I will be talking about uncomfortable situations in life and how they can affect us positively if we allow them. Do not be afraid, however, to read on from this point—I have no intention of being the distributor of uncomfortable feelings (although that intent may change from this sentence to the next). Hopefully, after reading this paper, you will more often seek out the uncomfortable than avoid or ignore it. I want to provide a prescriptive redemption of uncomfortable situations. However, I am exploring discomfort from the point of view of the person feeling the emotion, not the person eliciting the emotion. I cannot endorse that we, as human beings,
Caitlin Jeschke's picture

Memory Inhibition: Some Functions of Forgetting

       People have always been intrigued by the topic of memory, and much research has been conducted in order to better understand the brain’s role in storing and recalling information.  In fact, one of my very first science fair projects involved testing the short-term memories of my classmates.  Our ability to remember certainly plays an extremely important role in our lives, affecting the decisions we make, and how we function in the world around us.  However, I think that an equally important process, and one that is often overlooked, is that of forgetting. 

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