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Christina Harview's blog

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The Blogging Genre: Identity, Anonymity, and Consistency—Why We Blog

Recently, a new genre has been receiving the attention of internet users: the weblog. Using blogs, we can filter out the facts of our offline world and develop a new online external identity. This paper will discuss the nature, use-value, and appeal of this online external identity, discuss the importance of the consistency of the external self-both online and offline, review the relevance of the unverified information in blogs, and talk about how anonymity affects the way we perceive our own identity. Additionally, I hope to shed some light on the blog as an emerging genre and talk about what the blog's worldwide success reveals about human nature and psychology (and vice versa).


The Blog

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Notes - Meeting

final paper in emerging genres


The internet:


Reader/Writer Relationship

-It leaves lots of room for role-playing, re-construction, projection and misunderstanding. But I’m not quite clear, yet, just how you understand this process.

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The Blogging Identity

The use of a constructed blogging identity has recently become high fashion in the computer world. With computers between the faces of those who converse online, we can create a veil to conceal the truth, a mask to construct a new truth, or a magnifying glass to focus in on whatever we please. In this paper, I will discuss the nature, use-value, and appeal of a constructed blogging identity. With references to two specific blogs, I will talk about how bloggers perceive their personal blogging identity, how it constrains them, and what it tells us about the nature of internet communication.

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On the Rights of the Writer and Reader

Honestly, I was having trouble coming up with a straight answer for this whole “rights” of the reader verses the writer mess so I have decided to start over and go through my thoughts as systematically as I have time for. So, I will try to write down my thoughts as they develop temporally.


With regard to the rights of the writer:

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Seeking Out the Uncomfortable

Hello, reader. Today I will be talking about uncomfortable situations in life and how they can affect us positively if we allow them. Do not be afraid, however, to read on from this point—I have no intention of being the distributor of uncomfortable feelings (although that intent may change from this sentence to the next). Hopefully, after reading this paper, you will more often seek out the uncomfortable than avoid or ignore it. I want to provide a prescriptive redemption of uncomfortable situations. However, I am exploring discomfort from the point of view of the person feeling the emotion, not the person eliciting the emotion. I cannot endorse that we, as human beings,
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Rods and Cones, Occipital Lobe, Dorsal and Ventral Streams—The Specific, the General, and Everything in Between

The concepts of specification and generalization are an unavoidable and innate part of human nature that have a high cognitive and social importance. However, they also have limitations which reduce our accuracy as we move up and down the orders of magnitude. In this paper, the biological and perceptual limitations of generalization and specification will be analyzed and critiqued with relation to the anatomy of the human species and then applied to the usefulness, application, and accuracy of literary genres.

Christina Harview's picture

On Classification to and from Various Orders of Magnitude

I am taking a class about emerging genres and we have read a book called The Power of Genre by Adena Rosmarin. The following paragraphs are a compilation of the thoughts I have concerning Rosmarin's ideas and our class discussion.

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My Message to the Future Through the Time/Space Continuum of Serendip

Hello. I am Christina. I am writing this to you on Friday, January 25th, 2008 at 11:47 P.M. Eastern Standard time. Many a time I have lost myself in the vaults of Serendip, but this is my first time message into the future through Serendip. Not long ago, I had my own blog, wrote in a blog for my CSEM course with professors Blankenship and Blank, had a science abstract published. But their significance has eluded me until recently.

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