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ashaffer's picture

A compilation of my posts this semester

Here are just a few thoughts I've had this semester.  Most could use to be fleshed out and further explored and revised.  Still, it's not a bad jumping off point.
Paul Grobstein's picture

If there can be no single definitive description of reality, nor of beauty, nor of virtue ...

What then is the business of inquiry? of education? Notes for a talk along these lines ("Empirical Inquiry: Limitations and Possibilities")  is available is available here. Thoughts triggered by the talk/notes are, of course, more than welcome. Same for a second version of this talk ("Inquiry as Emergence: Product and Contributor") aimed at a more "empirical" audience (the first was aimed at a more general audience, including those already predisposed to recognizing the value of stories).

Instructions for Preparing Your Final Portfolio

College Seminar I
Bryn Mawr College
Fall 2007

Questions, Intuitions, Revisions:
Storytelling as Inquiry

Anne Dalke (English House, ext. 5308,
Paul Grobstein (Park Science Building,
ext. 5098,

Instructions for Preparing your Final Portfolio

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain Research: Improving Global Harmony

Introductory Remarks
Paul Grobstein
16 November 2007
Paul Grobstein's picture

The Brain and Social Well-Being

The Brain as a Learner/Inquirer/Creator:
Some Implications of its Organization for Individual and Social Well Being


Paul Grobstein
Paul Grobstein's picture

Risk and Innovation

Living a Life of Risk, and Why:
Encouraging Innovation in Individuals and Communities

Paul Grobstein
24 October 2007

From prior discussions

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