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Dawn's picture

Architecture Reveals the Aspirations of its Creator

Dawn Hathaway

November 14, 2008

Critical Feminist Studies

Professor Anne Dalke

Architecture Reveals the Aspirations of its Creator

Serendip's Brain and Behavior Forum

Welcome. This open forum is for postings and discussions relevant to Serendip's Brain and Behavior resource page. Comments on materials linked to from there as well suggestions for additional materials are welcome here. So too are thoughts about the history and future of brain research and its relation to the ongoing evolution of the story of humanity. Visit to find postings from others that you might find useful in your own thinking, and to leave postings that others might find useful. Postings may be delayed in appearing while they are checked to avoid spam.

Science Education (and Science) as Conversation

Science Education (and Science) as Conversation

A project of the Lansdowne Friends School and the Bryn Mawr College Center for Science in Society
with support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Inquiry Day, 18 October 2008

Scientific Method and Its Implications

Paul Grobstein's picture

Conversation, discourse, exchange, open-ended transactional inquiry

The trick is to focus not on what people can't agree on, nor on what they can agree on, but rather on issues/questions/problems that have the potential to generate ways of thinking that no one has thought before. 

More to come on where that thought came from, and what its useful for .... 

HHMI Science Education Program at Bryn Mawr College 2008-2012

Who We Are

As a liberal arts college for women, Bryn Mawr College is committed to:

  • encouraging large numbers of young women to major in disciplines in which they have been traditionally underrepresented and to pursue graduate study and careers in the sciences, and
  • ensuring science literacy among all students.

Our past grants from HHMI have helped us to strengthen science education by supporting interdisciplinary approaches to teaching in biology and the related sciences; undergraduate research opportunities; use of computing technologies in the sciences; and professional development for precollege science teachers.

Current News

These pages provide information about the College's HHMI-supported programs and activities going on under its umbrella. Items of particular interest include:

Science Horizons Fellowships
Online Application Form - Due date:  February 29, 2012

Paul Grobstein's picture

More on teaching evolution and evolving humanity

Encouraging article in the NY Times yesterday: "A Teacher on the Front Line as Faith and Science Clash." Yes, there are ways to avoid drawing lines in the sand, to work productively across (even because of) divides.

"I don't expect you to 'believe' the scientific explanation of evolution ... I do expect you to understand it" ... David Campbell, high school teacher, Florida.

" ... there's a difference beween thinking something is interesting and believing it" ... Doug Dougherty, student in Campbell's course.

Babtunde A Oronti's picture

Brain and Behavior Curriculum proposal

The Brain and Behavior Institute actually helped me to put myself in the position of my students and experience how it feels to be a student in a classroom with the Inquiry mode of learning. Most of the learning experiences we had were done through questioning and one form of hands-on activity or the other. On several occasions when the topic for the week or even the day was being introduced using the lecture mode, I feel very impatient waiting for the time we are going to be doing related activities on the subject. This is the situation with our students. They can’t wait to do something hands-on (Kinesthetic learners) or watch a video/teacher demonstration (visual learners) in order to enhance their learning.
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