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HHMI Science Education Program at Bryn Mawr College 2008-2012

Who We Are

As a liberal arts college for women, Bryn Mawr College is committed to:

  • encouraging large numbers of young women to major in disciplines in which they have been traditionally underrepresented and to pursue graduate study and careers in the sciences, and
  • ensuring science literacy among all students.

Our past grants from HHMI have helped us to strengthen science education by supporting interdisciplinary approaches to teaching in biology and the related sciences; undergraduate research opportunities; use of computing technologies in the sciences; and professional development for precollege science teachers.

Current News

These pages provide information about the College's HHMI-supported programs and activities going on under its umbrella. Items of particular interest include:

Science Horizons Fellowships
Online Application Form - Due date:  February 29, 2012

HHMI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Science Education
Dr. Howard Glasser

HHMI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Applied Math or Mathematical Biology
Dr. Rebecca Vandiver

Special Event:  Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges are holding a symposium on Friday April 15th at noon in Haverford's Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center for postdocs and graduate students interested in a science career at a Liberal Arts College? Registration and more information ...

HHMI/Bryn Mawr College Math and Science Teaching Fellowship
Not available for 2012-2013

Precollege Science Education Fellowships
Application Deadline: February 29, 2012

Summer Science Research Fellowship Program

(sponsored by Bryn Mawr College)

K-12 Summer Institutes - New Institute on Sustainability and Mathematics being offered in Summer 2012!

Goals of Our Current Program

recruit and retain science majors,
expose science students to broadly applicable computational methods and increase their understanding of the connections within and among traditional disciplines,
prepare undergraduates to pursue a wide range of careers requiring sophistication in science, irrespective of their majors.