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Alice in Bryn Mawr Final Performance

TPB1988's picture

Alice in Bryn Mawr Script
#Rabbit passes by in a hurry

Alice: Hey White Rabbit! Aren't you going to say hello to me?

Rabbit: Alice is that you? I barely recognized you.

Alice: I know what you mean. Ever since all these movie adaptations came out I feel like everyone expects me to still be a little seven year old . I'm a college student now. One who works very hard I'll say (wink  lol) You should stay and talk with me for a bit.

Rabbit: I can't I'm late! I'm late! I have to be in class ready to discuss my analysis on graphic novels in a minute. Have you ever considered the importance of images in comparison to text? They are very important in order for the reader to understand the message. But I can't talk about that. I'm late!

Alice: No silly rabbit. You're not late. You have Bryn Mawr time.

Rabbit: Oh yeah...

Alice: Sooo, how do you like the new me?

Rabbit: It is a little different seeing you in those clothes...and your hair is so short now. What made you change your look?

Alice: Well you see, I have a blog now. And my bloggers were dying for me to update my know make it more modern.  So I did. I like to keep my followers happy. In fact this conversation would make a great blog piece! My readers would just love it! What shall I title it?

Rabbit: So you'd do anything if it meant you're bloggers would be happy? And Alice, no thank you. I don't want my personal life exposed on the blogosphere. Not everyone needs to know what I did today.

Alice: No that's not what I meant! It's not like I live for them...I just you know, sort of do things to please them...and oh please Rabbit! I do think that this conversation would be oh so interesting to tell them!

Rabbit: Well that makes no sense. You should mean what you say and say what you mean!

Alice: It just started off as a sort of personal diary. Than suddenly everyone was leaving comments. I had so many people viewing my blog that  it has kind of taken control of my day to day activities. I love that they want to hear what I have to say!

Rabbit:Ooh that doesn't sound very healthy. What about your privacy? I mean, I love my privacy. Don't you like to have yours too?

Alice: I still manage to steal some privacy for myself. Not everything I do has to be written online. Why don't you have a blog, Rabbit?

Rabbit: Because....I just never have time for those kind of things. I do have a Facebook though. You should just add me. Or we could text or something. It takes up much less time.

Alice: But that is so impersonal. I'll never be able have conversations with you face to face.

Rabbit: The internet was not invented to make closer connections with people. It was made for convenience.

Alice: That is an awful thing to say Rabbit.

Rabbit: What is that in your hand Alice?

Alice: Oh it is a book I am reading. A Thousand and One Nights or something like that.

Rabbit: Why on Earth are you reading a real book for? They're so expensive and have such a funny smell. You should just download one onto your Ipad or kindle.

Alice: Funny smell?! You mean the beautiful scent of pages? That's absolutely absurd, I would never read “a book” online. It just is not the same. It completely alters the text for me.

Rabbit: For someone who blogs and uses the internet so much you sure are a backwards thinker. It makes no sense for you to like sharing your personal life online yet you refuse to read books online...How curious. You've lost you're muchness I'd have to say.

Alice: Oh be quiet Rabbit or I'll call the Red Queen and she'll want off with your head. And then, goodness knows we'd all have to listen to the White Queen ramble on about some new moral, and we both know neither of us have time for that!

Rabbit: Oh no oh no. The Red Queen. I have to present my research on graphic novels to her. I'm late! I'm late!

Alice: I'll go with you. It sounds so interesting.

Rabbit: We should run. We'll get there faster. Come on Alice!

Alice: Alright Rabbit. Let's go!

(Running in place while holding Alice's hand)

Alice in Bryn Mawr Script
#Rabbit passes by in a hurry

Alice: Hey White Rabbit! Aren't you going to say hello to me?

Rabbit: Alice is that you? I barely recognized you.

Alice: I know what you mean. Ever since all these movie adaptations came out I feel like everyone expects me to still be a little seven year old . I'm a college student now. One who works very hard I'll say (wink  lol) You should stay and talk with me for a bit.

Rabbit: I can't I'm late! I'm late! I have to be in class ready to discuss my analysis on graphic novels in a minute. Have you ever considered the importance of images in comparison to text? They are very important in order for the reader to understand the message. But I can't talk about that. I'm late!

Alice: No silly rabbit. You're not late. You have Bryn Mawr time.

Rabbit: Oh yeah...

Alice: Sooo, how do you like the new me?

Rabbit: It is a little different seeing you in those clothes...and your hair is so short now. What made you change your look?

Alice: Well you see, I have a blog now. And my bloggers were dying for me to update my know make it more modern.  So I did. I like to keep my followers happy. In fact this conversation would make a great blog piece! My readers would just love it! What shall I title it?

Rabbit: So you'd do anything if it meant you're bloggers would be happy? And Alice, no thank you. I don't want my personal life exposed on the blogosphere. Not everyone needs to know what I did today.

Alice: No that's not what I meant! It's not like I live for them...I just you know, sort of do things to please them...and oh please Rabbit! I do think that this conversation would be oh so interesting to tell them!

Rabbit: Well that makes no sense. You should mean what you say and say what you mean!

Alice: It just started off as a sort of personal diary. Than suddenly everyone was leaving comments. I had so many people viewing my blog that  it has kind of taken control of my day to day activities. I love that they want to hear what I have to say!

Rabbit:Ooh that doesn't sound very healthy. What about your privacy? I mean, I love my privacy. Don't you like to have yours too?

Alice: I still manage to steal some privacy for myself. Not everything I do has to be written online. Why don't you have a blog, Rabbit?

Rabbit: Because....I just never have time for those kind of things. I do have a Facebook though. You should just add me. Or we could text or something. It takes up much less time.

Alice: But that is so impersonal. I'll never be able have conversations with you face to face.

Rabbit: The internet was not invented to make closer connections with people. It was made for convenience.

Alice: That is an awful thing to say Rabbit.

Rabbit: What is that in your hand Alice?

Alice: Oh it is a book I am reading. A Thousand and One Nights or something like that.

Rabbit: Why on Earth are you reading a real book for? They're so expensive and have such a funny smell. You should just download one onto your Ipad or kindle.

Alice: Funny smell?! You mean the beautiful scent of pages? That's absolutely absurd, I would never read “a book” online. It just is not the same. It completely alters the text for me.

Rabbit: For someone who blogs and uses the internet so much you sure are a backwards thinker. It makes no sense for you to like sharing your personal life online yet you refuse to read books online...How curious. You've lost you're muchness I'd have to say.

Alice: Oh be quiet Rabbit or I'll call the Red Queen and she'll want off with your head. And then, goodness knows we'd all have to listen to the White Queen ramble on about some new moral, and we both know neither of us have time for that!

Rabbit: Oh no oh no. The Red Queen. I have to present my research on graphic novels to her. I'm late! I'm late!

Alice: I'll go with you. It sounds so interesting.

Rabbit: We should run. We'll get there faster. Come on Alice!

Alice: Alright Rabbit. Let's go!

(Running in place while holding Alice's hand)

THE END! :)Alice in Bryn Mawr Script
#Rabbit passes by in a hurry

Alice: Hey White Rabbit! Aren't you going to say hello to me?

Rabbit: Alice is that you? I barely recognized you.

Alice: I know what you mean. Ever since all these movie adaptations came out I feel like everyone expects me to still be a little seven year old . I'm a college student now. One who works very hard I'll say (wink  lol) You should stay and talk with me for a bit.

Rabbit: I can't I'm late! I'm late! I have to be in class ready to discuss my analysis on graphic novels in a minute. Have you ever considered the importance of images in comparison to text? They are very important in order for the reader to understand the message. But I can't talk about that. I'm late!

Alice: No silly rabbit. You're not late. You have Bryn Mawr time.

Rabbit: Oh yeah...

Alice: Sooo, how do you like the new me?

Rabbit: It is a little different seeing you in those clothes...and your hair is so short now. What made you change your look?

Alice: Well you see, I have a blog now. And my bloggers were dying for me to update my know make it more modern.  So I did. I like to keep my followers happy. In fact this conversation would make a great blog piece! My readers would just love it! What shall I title it?

Rabbit: So you'd do anything if it meant you're bloggers would be happy? And Alice, no thank you. I don't want my personal life exposed on the blogosphere. Not everyone needs to know what I did today.

Alice: No that's not what I meant! It's not like I live for them...I just you know, sort of do things to please them...and oh please Rabbit! I do think that this conversation would be oh so interesting to tell them!

Rabbit: Well that makes no sense. You should mean what you say and say what you mean!

Alice: It just started off as a sort of personal diary. Than suddenly everyone was leaving comments. I had so many people viewing my blog that  it has kind of taken control of my day to day activities. I love that they want to hear what I have to say!

Rabbit:Ooh that doesn't sound very healthy. What about your privacy? I mean, I love my privacy. Don't you like to have yours too?

Alice: I still manage to steal some privacy for myself. Not everything I do has to be written online. Why don't you have a blog, Rabbit?

Rabbit: Because....I just never have time for those kind of things. I do have a Facebook though. You should just add me. Or we could text or something. It takes up much less time.

Alice: But that is so impersonal. I'll never be able have conversations with you face to face.

Rabbit: The internet was not invented to make closer connections with people. It was made for convenience.

Alice: That is an awful thing to say Rabbit.

Rabbit: What is that in your hand Alice?

Alice: Oh it is a book I am reading. A Thousand and One Nights or something like that.

Rabbit: Why on Earth are you reading a real book for? They're so expensive and have such a funny smell. You should just download one onto your Ipad or kindle.

Alice: Funny smell?! You mean the beautiful scent of pages? That's absolutely absurd, I would never read “a book” online. It just is not the same. It completely alters the text for me.

Rabbit: For someone who blogs and uses the internet so much you sure are a backwards thinker. It makes no sense for you to like sharing your personal life online yet you refuse to read books online...How curious. You've lost you're muchness I'd have to say.

Alice: Oh be quiet Rabbit or I'll call the Red Queen and she'll want off with your head. And then, goodness knows we'd all have to listen to the White Queen ramble on about some new moral, and we both know neither of us have time for that!

Rabbit: Oh no oh no. The Red Queen. I have to present my research on graphic novels to her. I'm late! I'm late!

Alice: I'll go with you. It sounds so interesting.

Rabbit: We should run. We'll get there faster. Come on Alice!

Alice: Alright Rabbit. Let's go!

(Running in place while holding Alice's hand)

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