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Emergence, 2009 - Intro


Biology 361 = Computer Science 361
Bryn Mawr College, Spring 2009

Emergence, 2009


Biology 361 = Computer Science 361
Bryn Mawr College, Spring 2009

Paul Grobstein's picture

The self: genes, environment, chance, and ... free will

Steven Pinker's "My Genome, My Self" is a valuable reminder that

as well as a useful summary of the kinds of observations that lead to those conclusions, and wise advice for those who may (or may not) want to know more about their own genes. As Pinker points out, who one is is influenced by genes, but influenced as well by personal experiences, and by chance, so genes are relevant to the question of who one is but not the answer to that question.

Summary of Cellular Automata as Explorers

Cellular Automata Findings


Below are measures of how many possible states (one dimensional linear arrangements) a particular rule generates. Results were taken from a 9 cell CA, 11 cell CA, and 19 cell CA. Click images to enlarge.


Emergence: Primal Patterns Applet (2)


setup resets the model with a random arrangement of purple and yellow cells (determined by the setup-seed-number slider).

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Emergence: Non-deterministic Emergence

Non-deterministic Emergence


Inquiry approach 3
Non-deterministic emergence

Goal: to contribute to the ongoing creation and exploration of possibilities

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