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skumar's picture

Calliope’s mosaic karotype: an objection to mind-body dualism

Calliope’s[1] mosaic karotype: an objection to mind-body dualism

M. Gallagher's picture

I'm in UR Internetz, Revolutionizin' UR Genres

I'm in UR Internetz, Revolutionizin' UR Genres


How many telegrams did you send when you had to dictate them over the phone to a  

   Western Union operator? How many emails do you send now that you can clatter them      

heather's picture

Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved – A Book Review

Frans de Waal’s Primates and Philosophers is an intriguing exploration of animal and human behavior, and a fierce attempt to link them intrinsically and inseparably.  De Waal attacks the notion that morality is a uniquely human trait – opposing those who believe that homo sapiens is a loner in ethics, and that our species rose magnificent out of the barbaric and uncomplicated ashes of our ancestors.

Christina Harview's picture

The Blogging Genre: Identity, Anonymity, and Consistency—Why We Blog

Recently, a new genre has been receiving the attention of internet users: the weblog. Using blogs, we can filter out the facts of our offline world and develop a new online external identity. This paper will discuss the nature, use-value, and appeal of this online external identity, discuss the importance of the consistency of the external self-both online and offline, review the relevance of the unverified information in blogs, and talk about how anonymity affects the way we perceive our own identity. Additionally, I hope to shed some light on the blog as an emerging genre and talk about what the blog's worldwide success reveals about human nature and psychology (and vice versa).


The Blog

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