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Deterministic and Non-deterministic Emergence: From Primal Patterns to Emergence


Ways of Making Sense of the World:
From Primal Patterns to Emergence

Moving beyond primal patterns as a way to make sense of things
"In the beginning was the Word?"

Inquiry approach 1
Primal patterns

Goal: to characterize the underlying pattern that everything actually relates to

Dawn's picture

Feminism and Fencing: Metaphor and Reality

Dawn Hathaway

December 19, 2008

Critical Feminist Studies

Professor Anne Dalke

Feminism and Fencing: Metaphor and Reality

lrperry's picture


For those of you who want to jump immediately into reading the dialogues, feel free. For readers who would like an introduction, of sorts, to the project, read the prologue first.

Emergence: Primal Patterns Applet (1)

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Emergence


setup resets the model with a random arrangement of purple and yellow cells (determined by the setup-seed-number slider).

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Emergence

Ways of Making Sense of the World:
From Primal Patterns to Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Emergence



The world as we perceive it is neither fully disorganized (Figure 1), beyond our ability to identify any overall pattern in it, nor fully organized, describable by us in terms of some single simple pattern (Figure 2). Instead, we are faced with, and find ourselves trying to make sense of, a world that most typically shows mixes of pattern and disorganization at different scales (Figures 3, 4, 5).

Serendip's Complexity and Emergence On-Line Forum

Welcome. This open forum is for postings and discussions relevant to Serendip's Complexity and Emergence resource page. Comments on materials linked to from there as well suggestions for additional materials are welcome here. Visit to find postings from others that you might find useful in your own thinking, and to leave postings that others might find useful. Postings may be delayed in appearing while they are checked to avoid spam.

Cellular Automaton as Explorer, 11 element

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Emergence


Click on setup single cell to begin with a single cell in the middle on; setup random picks a random set of cells to begin as on, the number of which is determined by the density slider.

Cellular Automaton as Explorer, 9 element

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Emergence


Click on setup single cell to begin with a single cell in the middle on; setup random picks a random set of cells to begin as on, the number of which is determined by the density slider.

llamprou's picture

Solitude, Intimacy and Mental Health


--The intrapersonal and interpersonal dialogue within and without us --


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