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Rica Dela Cruz's picture

The Evolution of Social Changes and Dynamics

If Darwinian evolution is about the biological changes that species and other organisms undergo to be able to physically and physiologically adapt to their environment, then one could say that communities of people have also, collectively and as separate groups, evolved socially over time. Indeed, since Darwin came out with his theory on the gradual evolution of the species 150 years ago, huge social changes have been made by man as a result of the phenomenal discoveries and inventions he made, particularly during the last century: the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, the computer, electricity, and so forth.

Serendip's Biology Forum


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Rica Dela Cruz's picture

The Continuing Evolution of Man

          Although the mystery of human evolution is still being studied today, people have begun to question whether man is still evolving currently and, if so, whether he/she will continue evolving indefinitely. Some have thought that human evolution has slowed down and may even come to a stop at some point in the future. Most scientists, however, believe that humans are still evolving and, indeed, are actually evolving faster now than before. Granted none of us could see evolution taking place, but we have been able to surmise with a degree of certainty that man, over the past several hundred-thousand years, has indeed been evolving from more primitive ancestors.

Evolution as Story III

Evolution as Story III
10 Feb 2009 (PG)

Switch in story telling style from non-narrative foundational to narrative foundational to emergence

Evolution as Story II

Evolution as Story II
3 Feb 2009 (PG)

Adaptive diversity can result from undirected variation and "selection" (= differential persistance, regardless of intent)

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