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lrperry's picture

Esquire as a Feminist Text

Laura Perry

Critical Feminist Studies

November 14th, 2008



mpottash's picture

Meanings of the Veil: Representations of Veiling in Persepolis

Meanings of the Veil: Representations of Veiling inPersepolis


Paul Grobstein's picture

Synecdoche, New York .... and life

Reviewers are all over the map on this one so, for what its worth, my take ...

Serendip's Brain and Behavior Forum

Welcome. This open forum is for postings and discussions relevant to Serendip's Brain and Behavior resource page. Comments on materials linked to from there as well suggestions for additional materials are welcome here. So too are thoughts about the history and future of brain research and its relation to the ongoing evolution of the story of humanity. Visit to find postings from others that you might find useful in your own thinking, and to leave postings that others might find useful. Postings may be delayed in appearing while they are checked to avoid spam.
Paul Grobstein's picture

Conversation, discourse, exchange, open-ended transactional inquiry

The trick is to focus not on what people can't agree on, nor on what they can agree on, but rather on issues/questions/problems that have the potential to generate ways of thinking that no one has thought before. 

More to come on where that thought came from, and what its useful for .... 

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