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Brain and Behavior

Donna Morris's picture

Curriculum Development Proposal

As a result of me being a participant in The Brain and Behavior Summer

Institute 2007 I am submitting the following curriculum proposal:

I would like to do a Girl's Self Esteem Group,where they can tell there stories

and get the needed skills and concepts to enhance self esteem ,

assert themself effectively and hopefully change their stories .

This will help reduce the level of shame, guilt, and isolation.

The girls will learn coping skills and behaviors for

expressing and realizing their full potential.

The class will include:

William Sgrillo's picture

Page 3

Now Some More Fun and Games

Have you ever considered that some of the difficulties we all have with reading is because our brain is having its own conflict with the in-put it is getting? Try the following exercise.

Paul Grobstein's picture

BBI 2007 - Session 13


Robert McCormick's picture


Back to my blog

For more information on the topics discussed on this page, please refer to my blog. 


Bruce Williamson's picture

Site Resources Recovered

Graham Phillips's picture

Red Hot?

The color of temperature 

 Have you ever heard or used the expression, "red hot"?  You've probably heard (perhaps in art class) that colors on the left end of the visible light spectrum (red, orange, yellow) referred to as warm colors, while those on the right side of the visible light spectrum (green, blue, violet) referred to as cool colors.  But, do our observations in the world of science match our observations in the world of everyday living? 

Begin by writing down at least five things that you use every day that are or would be hot to the touch.  What color are they?


BBI Teacher's picture

Regina Toscania Post 3

BBI Teacher's picture

Regina Toscani Post 2



Tammi Jordan's picture

Huey Ooey Gooey

All schools funtion as a collective brain.  Each classroom is a box and the students as well as the teacher are boxes within the box.  In order for the brain/school to function we must somehow make all of the instruments play the same song. The trick is to get it to the point where you can play it again tomorrow. 


The brain is a complex organism.  We will explore it this year in order to better understand ourselves.

Benjamin Zerante's picture

Lesson Introduction

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