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Brain and Behavior

Paul Grobstein's picture

BBI 2007 Session 9



Architecture: From the Output Side



Graham Phillips's picture

Getting it less wrong.

Since the beginning of the institute on Monday, we have talked about science as a process of getting things "less wrong".  While I applaud that way of thinking about science, I voiced a concern in an earlier response to the first or second session (don't remember which) that this might be a difficult concept for students in Grades 5 and 6 to grasp, as they are just beginning to make inferences and draw logical conclusions. 

What I would like to look at, then, are interactive, web and real-time based games that help the students think about "getting things less wrong" and working with science as a process of revising and editing their stories about the world around them. 

Deidre Bennett's picture

Empathy where has it gone?

This afternoon I received disturbing news that one of our old students had murdered another child.  Let me repeat this again a 14 year old child has ended the life of a 16 year old.  I hope upon reading this you reacted the same way as I, your mouth dropped and you stared and shook your head in disbelief.

You probably didn't. You probably briefly felt some tinge of emotion and now want to ask me several questions.  Then you will go on with the rest of your life and store this in your memory until you need to repeat a juicy story to someone else or when you have a discussion with someone about violence you will mention it.

Paul Grobstein's picture

BBI 2007 Session 7

William Sgrillo's picture

Page 1


Welcome to the beginnings of my page. Im just learning how to do this on the new system (thanks Paul, I just got used to the old one) The intention of this site is to change continuously and provoke change, not only within, but among others as well.




Emily Dickenson


Graham Phillips's picture

Is this thing on?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 

Hey folks...I'm Graham Phillips, a 5th/6th grade science teacher from The Baldwin School right here in Bryn Mawr, PA.  I teach chemistry/physics, primarily, and have taught up to 8th grade in Science and up to 12th grade in Mathematics. 

 As you can see from my picture, I love to travel.  Can you guess where this was taken?  I also love singing and dancing (I probably would have become an actor if my head wasn't turned on so tight!) 

Mingh Whitfield's picture

lets get started

All About Me

I'm Mingh Whitfield.  I teach Pre-K/K at Lansdowne Friends School.  To see a picture of my school, go to

I graduated from Community College of Philadelphia and Saint Joseph's University.  So, I have degrees in early childhood education and liberal arts-concentrating in english, theology, and history.

Tammi Jordan's picture

Tammi's Story

I am a Child of the Most High King.  The study of science in reference to behavior creates a greater reverence to my God.  He is awesome.  He has created the universe with systems that man are still trying to explain.  I love the stories that  have been carefully developed through observation.  I appreciate the curiosity that have lead to these stories that make God more real to me.

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