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Mingh Whitfield's blog

Mingh Whitfield's picture

The Middle East


The entire student body of LFS spends the better part of a month on an in depth study of one topic. Each grade spends class time focusing on the topic in a developmentally appropriate way. We also meet, share, and learn together as a school. The experience is called the "All School Theme". This year's topic is the Middle East.

Mingh Whitfield's picture

M.E. Archicture

Mingh Whitfield's picture

M.E Geography

has various middle eastern maps


Mingh Whitfield's picture

M.E. Animals

pictures and information about middle eastern animals- camels, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats

more animals - pictures have arabic writing and animals' role in storytelling is outlined (middle ages)


Mingh Whitfield's picture

M.E. social science

Mingh Whitfield's picture

M.E. storytelling

great books-mystery bottle, storytellers, lebenon a-b-c:a middle eastern mosaic, illustrator's notebook, the bread winner

Has pictures of children/parents in middle east

Mingh Whitfield's picture

lets get started

All About Me

I'm Mingh Whitfield.  I teach Pre-K/K at Lansdowne Friends School.  To see a picture of my school, go to

I graduated from Community College of Philadelphia and Saint Joseph's University.  So, I have degrees in early childhood education and liberal arts-concentrating in english, theology, and history.

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